Would anyone aspire to be a doctor if its easy to be one?
I mean anyone with a passing grade can get into the medical faculty?
And after graduate, no need pay your dues through the gruelling rigors of housmanship?
You know, just past exams with theory, and with zero real world practical experience. can immediately be a doctor?
Its the same for being an Airforce Combat Pilot. Or join elite military units like the Commandos or Navy Seals.
Notice the whole purpose of their training course is to "filter" out those who can't make it?
Never mind its already so hard to get selected into these elite combat units in the first place!
Its like this in the real world too.
A job that anyone and everyone can do. how much does it pays?
Contrast it with a job that requires:
1) Advanced degrees like Masters or Phds;
2) broad and deep experience in certain fields (not 1st year experience times ten);
3) graceful social skills as in know how to wine and dine VIP clients;
4) and snake oil savvy enough to give speeches and talks to media (not always take umbrage at direct or difficult questions).
You think you pay peanuts can get?
Humans are funny.
We all know this intuitively.
But when it comes to certain activities that involve money, we become opposite.
Like taking "instant noodles" courses and just like that, we can become "Masters" - the course says so mah!
Or we don't have to know much about anything, or putting any effort whatsoever, we can claim the rewards... Look! Anyone and everyone can do it!
Eh? Isn't this like buying Toto?
Marry rich requires lots of smarts and effort to bait your catch. There are so many other bitches and toy boys out there... Easy?
You think!