A Mouse, by an unlucky chance, formed an intimate acquaintance with a Frog. The Frog one day, intent on mischief, bound the foot of the Mouse tightly to his own. Thus joined together, the Frog led his friend to the pool in which he lived, until he reached the very brink, when suddenly jumping in, he dragged the Mouse in with him.
The Frog enjoyed the water amazingly, and swam croaking about, as if he had done a meritorious action. The unhappy Mouse was soon suffocated with the water, and his dead body floated about on the surface, tied to the foot of the Frog.
A Hawk observed it, and, pouncing upon it, carried it aloft. The Frog, being still fastened to the leg of the Mouse, was also carried off a prisoner, and was eaten by the Hawk.
Harm hatch, harm catch.
The above is one of Aesop's many stories that I've "borrowed with pride".
Most of us can relate to it. I for one can share quite a few personal experiences:
1) Please drop me off right ahead.
I will not take a free ride when I know the driver had a few drinks more than desired. You'll be surprised how many other people don't mind...
There was once I politely asked my friend to let me off after a short ride - by giving a white lie that I just remembered that I need to buy something - when I discovered the way he drove made me uncomfortable, and he wasn't drinking!
I've been in 2 "light" car crashes - both driven by friends - to appreciate what Aesop meant.
2) Join me for shopping?
Ever accompanied friends for shopping and you come back with "stuffs" you don't need? Its already hard to say "no" to good salespersons; why add "peer pressure" on yourself?
If you want to lose weight, what do our "friends" do? Eat lah! Won't die one! Have more! I treat you!
3) I made money! It's so simple!
Some friends when they make money - be it gambling at casinos, stocks, futures, forex, property, etc - they like to make it known to the world how "smart" they are...
Skeptical listeners who "capitulate" and join in the fray frequently find themselves buying at market tops or discover belatedly that "simple" does not equate "easy"...
And if it's "voodoo" alternative investments, and they turned out to be scams... Should we "blame" our Frog friends who reassured us it's "legit" and they have received real returns promptly as promised?
Or should the Mice reflect why they willingly let themselves be tied to their Frog friends?
4) Excuse me, can you be my guarantor?
Lucky I've not been put to the test yet. This one is a real tough one... Especially if the one asking is someone you love, respect, and/or is a blood relation....
The heart says "yes"; but the mind screams "no"!