I sometimes drop little nuggets while "talking male-chicken" in the comments section.
I know its a bit far-fetched, but this putting a big spike on the steering wheel is not made up! I stole it with pride from an article I've read in the past... (Yah, surprise! I read!)
I couldn't remember the source, but here's one link I found that's close enough. And the spike got an actual name!
You know why I use my real name at this watering hole?
Its precisely I'm driving with a big spike on the steering wheel! (行不更名,坐不改姓)
This way, I write as if I'm speaking in public. No, you not talking to a man with brown paper over his head.
Unless you are an IT hacker who knows how to cover your digital trails, even if you use anonymous or made up nicks, if people want to get you, they can easily CSI you out!
We know what happens to those who stir shit in the internet, thinking there are airbags in front of them just by being anonymous or have fake nicks...
Why do some Singaporeans obey the law in Singapore, but when overseas, have no problem littering or spitting?
And this one most shepherds know. Why is it so difficult for get feedback from Singaporean employees at a company meeting, but at the water cooler, the same church mice Singaporean employees have no shortage of opinions about management?
Now look at your own investing/trading/saving paths.
Yes, even the so called "safer" Save More route is included!
Is it possible those who are on the Earn More path, who assumes there's a spike on the steering wheel, are more cautious than those on the Save More path who assumes nothing can go wrong with the supposed "safety" of airbags?
Just ask those UK savers who had savings/fixed deposit accounts with Icelandic banks just because of a few percentages more in interest rates during 2008....
Of course we had our own Lehman minibond saga in 2008. I mean they were sold and distributed by reputable banks in Singapore, no? Not from some clickbaity internet scammy ads right?
And yes, don't make statements like if this company goes down, the whole of Singapore will go down too...
You are just putting an "exclamation mark" over your head to alert all the snake-oil wolves in the vicinity,
"Hello everyone! I'm a bei-kambing!"