Saturday, 28 April 2018






那跟买 Toto 有什么不同?





  1. Market got such thing called Karma?

    1. CW,

      That's the power of words!

      If you say karma, my answer may depend whether your understanding of karma is from layperson's superficial perspective, or you have a deep understanding of karma from Hinduism or Buddhism perspective.

      That's why I am "precise" in my choice of words ;)

      If we stick with Cause and Effect, and refer to the example I gave temperament above?

      You say lei?

      Market got Cause and Effect or not?

  2. temperament,

    If you had watched the Matrix, remember the scene where the French man explain Cause and Effect?

    Throw a man into the sea is Cause.

    Coming up with fish in his mouth or him being drown are both Effect.


    因果 = Cause and Effect.


  3. temperament,

    What you are really asking is whether if the Cause looks "similar", whether the Effect will be the same for everyone?

    Let take 2 investors. Both bought the same stock and at the same entry price. And they both have the same amount of opportunity fund as in $100K.

    Their stock went to become a 10 bagger in 3 years.

    Yet the Effect is drastically different between both of them.

    How come?

    Well, person A is conservative (or lack conviction). So he limits his stock picks to 10% of his portfolio. Hence he made 10 times his 10K = $100K.

    Not bad. Doubled his portfolio in 3 years. The journey continues...

    The 2nd guy throws caution to the wind (or he knows what he doing), he invested 100% of his portfolio into that one stock - all in $100K.

    Not only that, he employed 2 times marging meaning in total its $200K vested!!!

    So now after that 10 bagger win, his portfolio has now become $2 million.

    You have been on this earth longer than me. You tell me.

    Is it better to be good or lucky?


    P.S. That's why shepherds who wear the white hat always say - your mileage, my mileage not the same ;)

    My alarm warning bells always ring loudly in my head whenever I hear, "If I can do it, so can you!"

    It started as a well meaning motivational technique; it got abused by snake oils when they discovered it worked great on sheep :(

  4. 不劳而获的运气人人都想要。获得后,养成守株待兔的坏习惯,失去努力的好习惯。因福得祸。




    1. hyom hyom,




    2. 如果是无人岛,天下无人,自然就是天下无敌。即是天下第一,也是天下最后。何来的满足感?


    3. hyom hyom,

      胸怀大志 - 不要对不起自己,对不起家人,对不起天下人。

      争强好胜 - 天下第一, 天下无敌, 势力无法挡, 胜券在握。

      SMOL 废人一个 - 享受人生,潇洒走一回。

      我们追求的是什么,听一听就晓得 ;)

    4. 我对这句 "SMOL 废人一个 - 享受人生,潇洒走一回" 非常不同意。辛苦前半辈,赢取闲人的资格,却选择周末干活,怎么是废人一个? 曾经事业有成,身居高位,周末遇见熟人,难免尴尬。若非常人,不会有这般的勇气。真好汉!

    5. hyom hyom,

      懂得自嘲, 自讽, 那就不会尴尬 ;)



    6. 男妓?LOL。既潇洒,又下流。独一无二! You've got style! 我看这个男妓还是小心 gold-diggers 吧。

    7. 下流你的头!

      我是服务工作者 ;)


  5. Cause and effect is a equation?

    1+1=2 is education

    (a+b)² = a² +2ab + b² also equation

    The person doing the maths equation might be able to do the equation or not do. Those who can do might feel it's a chore to do it, some might feel exhaling that could understand the equation now.

    Than the equation went on to involve differentiation and integration.

    At it simplistic, it will balance somehow.

    At it variables in play, no one can fully understand

    One thing for sure, if u think do good means good luck and fortunes, you are either delusional or doing business with a being with no capitalism concept, and I say good luck

    1. Sillyinvestor,

      Youths who depended on "study hard and work hard" slogans soon found out real life is nothing like science or math with precision in 2 decimal places...

      Those of us who have lived life a little longer have noticed during class reunions that despite attending the same school, same class, same teachers, the Effect divergent can be quite HUGE!

      Its the same when we join the same company as management trainees (your case will be trainee teachers at MOE), after 5 to 10 years, some are still executives (condemned), some are middle managers, while some are already in the ranks of top management.

      Try explaining it with a formula or Cause and Effect!

  6. temperament,

    Interesting right? There are some "universal" truths that all cultures all over the world are in agreement with ;)

    However, I wouldn't go as far as "you deserve what you get"...

    If I had been in living Fukushima or having a holiday in Phuket when the tsunami struck, do I "deserve" it?

    During 1755 in Lisbon Portugal, on the 1st November holy day of All Saints Day, the city was struck by earthquake and tsunami.

    Many died inside the churches....

    This earthquake and fallout strongly influenced the intelligentsia of the European Age of Enlightenment.

    If on a holy day and being inside the "holiest" places (churches) in the city can't protect us, those who can think for themselves started to question 1+1=2...

  7. For the innocent ones, 有时没因都有果

    Now, it really voice down to the luck of this person.

    For the suay ones, they will probably have to pick the rotten fruit with no choices for them while the lucky ones get the delicious mango served to their tables!

    1. sleepydevil,

      Got hope!

      We can't choose our parents, but we still can choose to marry rich!

      Men seek to eat "soft rice".

      For women, its getting a "long term meal ticket" ;)

      Wait a minute. I am way passed my expiry date :(

      I wonder there's a freegan market for singles out there. I'm free! Choose me! Choose me!


  8. "The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong ... but time and chance happeneth to them all."

    This version is better for the stock market and life in general.

    Hugh Keough :
    “The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong; but that is the way to bet.”

    1. liang seng,

      Welcome to this watering hole!

      Sometimes the contrarian bet is the one with the biggest payoffs!

      In trading, the most difficult trades are frequentyly the most profitable ones!

      Which is quite ironic considering I'm a Trend Follower...


      Those pinching their noses and jumping "early" onto a nascent trend and those laggards piggybacking on to a well established trend, may all call themselves "Trend Followrs" - but the risk/reward are different ;)

  9. 要不战而胜靠的是谋略, 岂能和跟屁虫的侥幸相提并论? LOL.

    所谓因果也是战果. 知胜之道务必是致胜之道. 掌握了因,方能有出奇制胜的果.


    1. Endrene,


      男人们都把精神放在 “果” 上。。。

      这有你把重点放在 “因" 上!

      LP 是男人, 你也已婚。。。



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