"Which brand is the most popular?"
"Can you recommend a good brand to me?"
Now that's an easy tell!
It's like flashing a big neon sign above their heads, "I'm a bei kambing. Come fleece and milk me!"
They are probably the same customers who judge which hawker food to try by the length of the queue in front of the stall. Wink.
If you were lucky, you'll meet a snake oil like me who wears the white hat. Then I'll try to salvage the situation with consultative selling.
But it'll only work if the customer is willing to make a decision for themselves.
Its no secret I have little patience for stupid people. So I'll let these "need to be told what to think, what to do" white little lambs go...
Knowing full well they're the favourite prey of choice for my other promoter peers who wear the black hat...
What to do?
I must keep my competitor promoters "busy" and satiated so they'll "release" those "diffcult" (intelligent and/or street smart) customers to me mah!
Its more intellectually stimulating serving customers who know what they want and have done their prior homework.
I do enjoy the 15-20 minutes of "foreplay" the most!
Especially when customers (who are shepherds or landowners themselves) challenge me and I help them discover their blindspots...
Now that's work satisfaction!
In the investing and trading arena, we get the same:
"What stocks to buy?"
"At this price can enter or not?"
If you're lucky, you get a bleeding heart who will patiently explain and coddle you; but leaves the final decision making to you - which leaves you frustrated as there's no clear, concrete, black and white answer.
So you go to the snake oil who is ever so helpful - tells you what stock to buy, at what price to buy and at what precise price to sell.
See? It wasn't so hard right? All for a small fee in wool and milk only...
If all you do is to follow the backsides of other zebras (inside joke to regular readers who have heard my zebra story), do you think after 10 years you'll be still asking others what stocks to buy and at what price to enter?
Like that might as well hire shepherds to invest (mutual and hedge funds) or trade (managed accounts) for you?
Or adopt passive investing (cough, cough)?
Won't this free up your time for other more interesting pursuits in life?
Its quite evident you are not into the craftsmanship of investing/trading anyway...
Why ownself bluff ownself?