
Friday, 18 February 2022

What's My Name?


I noticed something quite positive during my weekend sales gig.

More and more youths are making an effort to read my name tag, and use my name in our sales conversations!?

Have you noticed how some old school landowners, chairman of a companies, CEOs, etc; often stop and greet security guards, toilet cleaners, or receptionists by their names?

Politicians often do that, beside kissing babies.

Some are born like that; most learned it as part of their upbringing, at school, or from their corporate trainings.

Why do they do so?

Just ask yourself. 

How would you feel if you are a junior member of the management team, yet the owner of the company is able to remember your name when you both enter into the elevator?

Back to those youths who obviously are making an effort in remembering my name during our sales encounter.

Needless to say, if I have to guess, I would bet most of them are working in sales or marketing lah! 

Not bad. They are putting into practice what they have learned. Kung fu don't practice will depreciate one! Its sharpening the saw that sort of thing.

If not in sales, then they are probably corporate high achievers climbing up the corporate ladder. 

Remember the episode where big daddy wanted to introduce a new candidate, but there's an outpour of criticisms? 

This is what happens when you though you just have to "tripod" your bosses, no need to bother with your peers and those beneath you...

How to win friends and influence people?

Start with their names. 




  1. Did anyone read your name tag and address you as Uncle Jared?

    1. CW,


      Most either address me as "Uncle", or "Jared"; never "Uncle Jared".

      Its either formal; or casual ;)

      "Uncle Jared" is a bit too "close" for comfort... LOL!

  2. I remember fondly some of the establishments in SG with the most incredible service level. I'll give the credit card for payment, and the service staff always comes back with "Thank you Mr. XXX for ..." - because they bother to read the words on my credit card~

    Nowadays, I give out a generous dose of Thank Yous to service staff because I understand how hard the work is, and the appreciation goes a long way.
    Guess who worked in a hostel in his previous life haha! GST - Greet, Smile and Thank goes a long way ;)

    1. Kevin,

      Those of us who know how it felt on the other side, will always do what's right when its our turn ;)

      Some people are puzzled why they never get good service?

      If we treat others with respect and courtesy, duh!

      There are a small group of angry people who likes to go round complaining about the smallest things...

      I suspect these people "kenna" condemned by company or family - hence like to take it out on poor service staff...

  3. I love nicknames, so I shall continue calling you Smol :)

    Hmm, you getting your CPF out by this year? Looks like you escaped the extra clawing of 0.5% haha.

    1. Spur,

      Nicknames are shared between those whom we are closer to ;)

      I like Smol.

      Smol away!

      Simple math. I can do better than 4% ;)

      That's something I learned from an "ang moh" board of director from my past Hyflux posts.

      Why do companies prefer to issue junk bonds or perpetual bonds at HIGHER interest rates when they can get a bank loan at lesser interest?


      I never liked big daddy cupping my bxlls.

      Plus man of leisure don't like to fill up forms to access my own money ;)

  4. Why would greeting name be so "corporatalized" like doing sales or marketing, or climbing up the corporate ladder?


    Haha can't it be the appreciation of one person to another,because of the help rendered?

    1. Small Time Investor,

      You are right.

      A small percentage would be born that way, its part of who they are. They are naturally nice to others.

      The majority of us make that special effort; its something we've learned or picked up seeing how other "successful" people do it.

      Its nature versus nurture thingy again.

      Just look at the crop of new MPs every election - some are "natural" at it, some are doing their "awkward" best...


  5. Hi SMOL (Jared 😃), it is indeed nicer to have higher management address us by name.

    Its always a case of we know them but they dont know us, so its really nice when they address us by name.

    Likewise, when I can remember their names, I always like to address people by their names. It makes the conversation that much more personal. But getting older liao, cannot remember names that easily. So it was no surprise when an older senior person in my company in trying to reach out to younger staff, called the person wrongly. It was quite funny in retrospect.

    In the blogosphere though, many people preferred to remain anonymous.

    1. mysecretinvestment,

      I myself is horrible with names.

      I'm more a visual person; I never forget a face.

      That's why I had to make an effort; it does not come naturally for me.

      Hence I can spot others making an effort when they use my name during my weekend sales gig ;)

      As for the blogoshere, its starts with anonymity. Then its moves on to corresponding using real names, and finally meeting up in real life ;)

      I've met up with some of the readers and tarzans at this watering-hole.

      Sometimes met once, that's it.

      Sometimes, we keep meeting again.

      Its definitely not anyone and everyone!

  6. Hi smol

    I really like this call by name habit.
    Me last time call my workers ah nei or pai yah... i forgot what happen to me, out of suddenly i change my pattern.
    I call my every workers by their name. They are very happy if i remember their name also. From then onwards been doing this for many years liao... I guess... 😅

    I appreciate them, who help me get work done and they also respect me and help me do some work that not their responsibility.

    1. Sy,

      Its the Golden Rule.

      We treat others how we would like others to treat us ;)

      Its always the little things that bring a smile to others.
