
Tuesday, 22 February 2022

The Biggest Downside To Owning Property


Looking at the latest situation in Ukraine, I guess property's biggest downside is you can't bring it with us!

I mean if we have to take the first flight out of a country, that's that!

This is not new to us in South East Asia.

Remember the Vietnamese boat people crisis of the 70s when North Vietnam took over Saigon in 1975 after booting out the US forces?

Then in Dec 1978, Vietnam invaded Cambodia to kick out Pol Pot. Its a case of Russian supported communism against China supported communism... Argument on who is redder than red?

How about more recently in Myanmar?

I mean if you owned properties in these countries, how to take your money out if most of your wealth is in properties? 

I mean you got to have great foresight like Li Ka-Shing!

The moment Xi Jinping took over, Li got out of China! 

Now years later, we discover why...

Then again, it was the same Li Ka-Shing that bought into Hong Kong's bombed out property sector in 1967 when riots broke out courtesy to the Cultural Revolution in China...

When I'm in my youth, I don't care much for NS. 

Now as old fogey, I'm glad we have NS!

What's the point of wealth if we can't protect it?

That being said, I hope I don't have to be reunited with my AR15 ever again...

No wonder Singapore properties are so popular with foreigners...

Now that's a vote of confidence to our SAF!


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