
Tuesday, 15 February 2022

The Biggest Risk Is...


Not taking any calculated risks at all!


  1. The biggest risk is life?

    Living Is Forever Evolving.

    Learning in Informal & Formal Environments.

    1. Spur,

      Spot on!

      From an evolutionary and biological standpoint, all living organisms take calculated risks every single moment they are alive.

      How else to discover which mushrooms can eat, which cannot?

      Some brave humans must have tried eating the disgusting looking crabs for the first time, and lived to share with others, "Hey! Can eat one!"

      Every year, people die from traffic accidents and horrific plane crashes. Yet we still drive, take public transports, fly on business trips and taking vacations.

      If we don't take risks, we don't grow.

      Remember the first time we asked a girl out on a date?

      The guy who fear rejections will never get a date...

  2. Biggest risk is when calculated risks is terribly and wrongly calculated. How sure are we on calculated risks?

    1. CW,

      Don't look at me!

      You are the man of the cross; I'm atheist.

      You should be the one explaining to me about the Parable of the Talents ;)
