
Monday, 2 January 2023

Shame! 4th losing year in a row...

Started 2022 with $10.78. 

Ended it with $10.43.

A loss 0f -3%...

Remember Game of Thrones Cersi Lannister's walk of shame?

Shame! (Bell rings)

Shame! (Bell rings again)


2022 - Down -3% (Shame! Shame! Shame!)

2021 - Down -0.0092% (Eh... I think I'm still going in the wrong direction...)

2020 - Down -3.5% (This got to stop!)

2019 - Down -3% (Smack to the face. In your dreams! Recover your head!)

2018 - Up 6% (Road to recovery?)

2017 - Down -8% (Opps!)

2016 - Up 13%... (Shy, Shy, Shy - Yes, its from K-Pop Twice's Cheer Up MV)

2015 - Up 88% (Double happiness!)

2014 - Tripled it! (Godlike!)

2013 - Doubled my trading account (Rampage!)


  1. Hi Jared, Happy New Year. It's been awhile. What is the reason? Too many other good traders? Market irrational? Or losing your touch?

    1. Rolf,

      Welcome back and Happy Holidays!

      Because I suck!?

      I'm a man of science; the evidence speaks for itself.

      5 up years and 5 down years.

      I could very well be losing my touch, or it was pure dumb luck to begin with!

      I mean the first 4 years, were they a fluke???

      Time will tell...

      Meanwhile, I'll still stay in the game.

      Like a broken clock, I must be at least right twice a day!

      Patiently waiting to be in sync with the markets again ;)

      P.S. One thing I probably did right. I know how to limit my losses. That's my only saving grace... LOL!

  2. Hi Smol

    Happy New Year to you!

    You are a humble trader. When your account is over 3 digit percentages, you used words like doubled or tripled.

    Hope this year you can quadruple your account.

    1. Small Time Investor,

      Super New Year to you too!

      I've been hard stuck between the $10 and $12 range for the past 6 years.

      Hope 2023 I'll break the $12 and not the $10 barrier!!!

      I can only focus on what I can control - my entries and exits.

      Let's not spend time on matters I've zero control or influence over...


  3. Happy New Year SMOL

    For me, when I do my yearly personal financial "review", the two metrics that are most important to me are: networth and passive income.

    Networth are further divided into illiquid assets and liquid assets.

    Happy to say that all metrics did ok in 2022. Especially happy that passive income crossed over target of $200K in 2022. Over the 12 years (since 2011) that I started tracking the passive income metric, the cumulative passive income reached $1.7M.

    Friends said that this was a slow 🐢 way to grow wealth, but I am ok with it because I dont think I can take the volatility of trading.

    1. mysecretinvestment,

      Thank you! I am happy!

      Our own paths, our own poisons, our own chosen vehicles.

      $1.7 million in 12 years?

      Of course, many can "beat" you in percentages, but how many Singaporeans can Earn and Save $1.7 million in 12 years???

      Well, I don't think your corporate climb is anything but "slow"...

      Focus on our strengths. Wink.

  4. It's ok. When you lose, you don't lose much. You can still remain as Man of Leisure.

  5. hyom,

    That's my only consolation...

    At least I've limited my losses!


  6. Smol

    Up and down are part and parcel of life experience. Chill.


  7. Smol,

    Wish is one aspect. Mr Market don't care about wish. Dollar cost averaging is my approach. I believe that this is not your cup of tea.

    To each of our own.

