
Thursday, 29 December 2022

Hungry Eat; Tired Rest


Long life, no health also meaningless...

This everyone knows.

Got money, tomorrow never comes also "lan lan"...


Of course planning for tomorrow nothing wrong! 

Just as long we don't use retirement planning or "delayed gratification" as excuses to avoid living in the here and now.

Don't save sex for old age!

You laugh.

Try spotting the decisions you've made this year that's financially "prudent", but essentially is like saving sex for old age!?

What's makes you happy this year?

Hitting your financial goals?

Or hungry eat; tired rest?


  1. Got spare. Invest! No spare. Nothing to plan.

    1. CW,

      I've noticed some when chasing financial freedom, completely "forget" about their faiths!? The act inconsistent to their faiths...

      And the reverse is true of some atheists in our community; they talk and behave like they got religion!?

      It's fun reading people!

  2. Hi SMOL,

    Friends around my age always remind ourselves to pamper ourselves for the many years of labour. By next year, most of us would have worked 37 years and would be retiring of not for the new retirement age of 63.

    Among my friends, there is an equal number who goes into retirement at the official retirement age and those that chose to continue. For me, I will try and work till 65. For two reasons : 1) dont know what to do in retirement, 2) Pay is too good to give up.

    1. mysecretinvestment,

      WHEN to retire?

      Hungry eat, tired rest.

      It's from within.

      Some never ever retire! Like Charlie and Warren; or lao lee and Mahatir ;)

      Not when we are doing what we love!

      Some may prefer to retire early. They have people or other pursuits that matter more...

      Then there are some where we are "forced" to retire due to poor health or decisions made by others (official retirement age or like in Army where big daddy don't want old fogey generals leading young men).

      Or forced by their financial circumstances to never stop working.

      Hand stop, mouth stop...

      It's from without.

  3. Happy new year SMOL! Research shows that we get happier as we grow older. May we have the wisdom to be contented

    1. AT_AT,

      Super New Year to you too!

      Our very own Confucius is centuries ahead with his observations ;)

      Those who are happier as they grow older are those who stopped caring what others think or say about them :)

