
Wednesday, 22 January 2020

The Greatest Pleasure In Life


  1. .... and then shouting loud "I can. You can!" lagi shiok?

    1. CW,

      We can ownself appoint ownself as shepherd, "If you believe me, follow me!

      And pray hard sheep that followed us have no clue what is survivorship bias ;)


  2. Hi SMOL,

    Do you think 'Other People' can be ourselves too? I think there's a lot of satisfaction in doing what we initially thought we cannot do as well too :)

    1. LP,

      "Other people" is about "I'll show them..."

      We have no qualms in "broadcasting" our pleasure, hence the "greatest" hyperbole ;)

      Trust you to point out the "ownself beat ownself" path!

      Yes, you are right.

      Overcoming our initial fears and inhibitions, that quiet satisfaction WITHIN is something else...

      Its low key, but observant people can see the new found confidence in us :)

    2. Hi SMOL,

      Haha, it's the first thing that came to mind :)

      I find that I can be harsher 'other people' than real other people, so beating myself from my own expectation is going to be that much more satisfying haha

  3. 恭喜发财!


  4. Hi SMOL,

    'Cannot' as in unpermitted or incapable of? Anyway,it applies to 'saying' too!

    Much relish seeing the gaping jaws when you say what others don't dare to say or do what they don't dare to do.

    No wonder there is a brood of wannabes who think the way to impress is to talk/act 'contrarian'.

    Courage without results is mere foolhardiness. This is a reminder for me. Time to chicken out and bail from long positions and sit on the sideline. Lol!

    1. Endrene,

      "Cannot" as in I dare not and/or don't know how, so you better don't do it!

      If you succeed, AWKWARD moment for others... LOL!

      Those who can't study will persuade others to play truant like them, "Study so hard for what?"

      Those who kenna "condemned" at work would want their colleagues to slack or coast like them, "Work so hard for what?"

      Die must all die together mah!

      Hence, we see those with weak convictions often like to "jio" others to join them in the same stock holdings or investing style ;)

      I have no clue WHEN to sell, so everyone, let's stick with Buy-and-Hold forever and ever! Don't time the market!

      Hey, do what's good by you.

      Your feet and my feet different ;)

  5. Every dog has his day. One day, the dog achieves something that other people say he cannot. He finally showed it to them. Unfortunately, he realized most other people don't really care. Unless they are beneficiaries, why should they? Instead, what he earned is less the respect he yearns but more envy/jealousy that nobody wants.

    If I happen to be that dog, I will quietly enjoy the fruits of success myself with the closest people in my life who sincerely share my happiness.

    Happy Chinese New Year.

    1. hyom,

      The truth is nobody cares!

      Except when its about themselves or their love ones.

      What do we do?

      We spend more time trying to impress and please anyone and everyone - rather than ourselves...

      Only the few can follow our hearts.

      For the price for doing so is to leave the comfort of the "herd".

      My life; my path.

    2. Smol,

      Leaving the herd is the way towards liberation as per my perspective.

      Happiness derives from following own heart.


    3. Ben,

      As it shold be ;)

      Wishing you happiness and liberation!

  6. temperament,

