
Wednesday, 29 January 2020





  1. Replies
    1. CW,

      To be CONSCIOUS or AWARE of risk does not equate to planning or YOLO.

      AFTER one is conscious of a risk - 2 things can happen:

      1) One can choose to ignore/dismiss it; or

      2) one can do something about it.

      How one goes about doing something about the risk can differ - depending if one is more ant or more grasshopper oriented.

      That's not the issue. Different strokes for different folks ;)

      Now imgaine BOTH the ant and grasshopper are not aware of an impending risk as in "clueless" (adjective)...

      Its never the noun, its always the adjective!

  2. Hi Smol,

    Slow and steady approach gives one the peace of mind.


    1. WTK,


      I see you are a man of leisure too ;)

      Sabai sabai (Thai for chill and tranquil)

      Hope you'll have fun here at this watering hole.

      We don't take ourselves too seriously here.

      Can joke, can poke.

      Just don't touch the face!

  3. temperament,

    Crossing the road or driving to work - there is risk.

    Jaywalking or driving when one is drowsy, that's our choice.

    Just like whether we have a first aid kit at home. And the decision to INCLUDE face masks in the kit or not.

    Or whether it makes better sense to have a fire extinguisher in the home or take up home fire insurance instead?

    There is risk in stupidity and ignorance too.

    Got face mask but don't know WHEN to use them and HOW to put them on properly...
