
Thursday, 20 April 2023

Look at Goldfish instead of Modelling them?

I often shared this Goldfish story about this Professor who asked his students how they would go about learning more about Goldfishes?

If you never heard this story before, try it yourself. (Don't peek below)


The Professor's students all gave various "standard" answers like go library and research published articles or books on Goldfishes.

Or watch YouTube videos and documentaries on Goldfishes.

Then the Professor reached down and lifted up a bowl of gold fishes and plonked it on top of the podium.

"How many of you bothered to look at the actual Goldfishes?" the Professor asked.


This is not new for those familiar with our 5,000 years of Chinese wisdom.

Remember the story of the man who don't trust his own feet when buying shoes? 

He already at the shoe shop, but realised he left the measurements of his feet back at his home. 

He hurried back to retrieve them.... Huh???


I see lots of examples in our community.

Do you?

Talk like maciam got dragons and phoenixes about Goldfishes, but have they actually looked at a live Goldfish before?

Let's take this topic on how to be financially secure during retirement?

Have you interviewed and listened to actual retirees? 

Ideally not freshly retired for 1-2 years, but those who have been retired for more than 10 years and above. The longer the better!

No need to look far. Have you talked to your grandparents or grand uncles/aunties how they survived their retirements?

Senior citizen neighbours?

Retired elders in your church, temple, mosque?

There's this Buddhist story about a distraught mother who lost her young child and was so angry and upset that she confronted her Abbot.

Instead of "wah kali gong" or giving sermons, the Abbot asked the mother to knock on 100 households to find how many families have never lost a family member.

After knocking at tens of households, the distraught mother soon discovered the "truth" on her own. 

Ownself cured her ownself.


Just saying.


  1. Haha..i missed CW8888 one liner.
    Personally, very simple. I take care of my mum so i know first hand how much is needed for retirement.

    If no need to show off, basic needs is simple.

    1. AT_AT,

      Thanks for sharing!

      CW played the catalyst role - once he starts commenting, others will follow suit .

      I would hazard a guess the majority of our retirees have no clue what is Withdrawal Rate or Passive Income Model for adequate retirement. Wink.

      Since most of our retirees are not destitute or shouting at Hong Lim Park, I would think big daddy has done a fine job with CPF?

      So those constantly tinkering with Withdrawal Rate or Passive Income are those who view CPF as minimum PC requirement?

      Cough, cough. I better stop, wait Google will associate my blog with those CPF acolytes!


  2. Hi SMOL,

    Think we cant see all the goldfishes. And those that we see are the healthier ones.

    There's lots more goldfishes requiring long term care that are not so kind on the money purse. These goldfishes are not usually visible to public eye.

    There are families that never had domestic help only to employ two at one go to help look after two elderly parents simultaneously.

    Life can hurl curve balls at you. Unexpectedly.

    1. mysecretinvestment,

      The purpose is not to see ALL Goldfishes.

      But to come to the same conclusion as you - every Goldfish is different!

      We have our own karma to live out.

      Different strokes for different folks.

      This won't be the case if we get our learning about Goldfishes from third hand sources...

      Every Indian Chief will say their path is the best! If it works for them, it should work for everyone else!!!

      If you believe me follow me!


      My poke to the financial blogging community is that we are like hammers, every solution we see are nails...

      As a man of leisure, I would think a more pertinent question is whether we'll have a HAPPY retirement???

  3. Smol,

    Zen could be the solution.


    1. WTK,

      The ability to see the "true" nature of things - trees green, sky blue.
