
Tuesday, 14 March 2023

Deja Vu


Talk about volatility and whiplash!

A few days ago, markets were re-pricing higher interest rates for longer (no thanks to Powell), and now it's back to pricing in rate cuts before the end of this year!? 

For those of us who lived through 2000 and 2008, it's a bit like deja vu, no?

Over-priced tech and fears over the solvency of financial institutions - 2 in 1?


Mai lah!


  1. Unfortunately, I started serious investing into the market in Jan 2000. Who still shouting market timing not important?

    1. CW,

      Virgin bei kambings in their first bull/bear cycle?

      We old fogey veterans of more than one bull/bear cycle know from crash got sound that market timing is everything!!!

      Everything has cycles.

      Nations rise and fall like the tides...

      Companies wax and wane like the moon...

      Singapore will decline one day too. Let's hope we are long gone before that happens!!!

  2. Smol,

    Full time employment is the solution. No need to bother about ups and downs of the market.


    1. WTK,

      You're like the child who awoken the crowd with, "Look! The king is naked!"

      If one has a good day job, enjoy what we do, and has enough - there's no need to invest to escape ;)

      Or go for multiple streams of income when a promotion or good pay raise can beat them all combined already?

      Smoke and mirrors.

      And little lies we tell ourselves.

  3. Smol,

    I am more realist. I don't believe in waiting to get a promotion which may never come after all. Changing job is the way to go and it broadens one's horizon which is beneficial as one's perspective.

    Invest will continue on going basis. Buy and hold for dividend good.

