
Monday, 17 October 2022

I'm back! What did I miss?



A small break has turned into 2 months hiatus???

Well, that definitely wasn't planned!

Two things happened...

One not so good; one happy.

The not so good part is 生老病死 or life cycle.

Someone close (not my mom) got diagnosed with 4th stage liver cancer. Probably got 12 more months? 

We have decided not to seek medical treatment; late stage no cure, it's just prolonging the inevitable... 

We'll be doing an Anita Mui. 

When the time comes, we'll seek palliative care.

The happy moment is I've finally moved to my new Dawson flat!

The view here is fantastic. Very windy and cool.

I got the keys to my Dawson flat Dec 2020; moved in this month. 

Yup, have been flushing the $88 service and conservancy charges down the toilet every month for more than 1.5 years... 

Town council super efficient! Start charging the moment we got the keys? Not from when we moved in?

Then again, I've been collecting big daddy's conservancy and PUB rebates for 1.5 years too. That should alleviate some of the pain... LOL!

Why take so long for the move?

Let's just say we took 3 relocation trips spread over 4 months... There's a lot of psychological "work" involved...

We are the 4th remaining flats at my old Tanglin Halt flat. There are more "problematic" cases.

Some may have to involve police... 

I can empathize.

While I'm ecstatic with the move; mom is not.

That's why some private properties enbloc will fail. No matter how high the selling price, some will never move no matter what!

Phew. It's all over now!

A pleasant discovery is I can walk away from the markets, when needed.

Now that's really a man of leisure!


  1. Sweet! Some photos of the nice view next time?

    1. Kevin,

      I'll try to take some of the night scenes. Hope my potato phone can manage...

      Meanwhile, a blast from the past:

      Views from My Balcony

  2. Smol,

    Good to see you're back in action :)

    Wat u miss? Hmm ah pek ah ma now learning how to buy tbills. Better than FDs & cpf haha.

    Sorry to hear abt your close someone. Advanced stage liver usually less than 6 mths. More of psychological support & physical relief (pain, discomfort).

    I'd be pissed too, if I'm forced to pack up at 80 yo.

    Luckily only 4% HDB will kena enbloc lol!

    1. Spur,


      Bet the CPF voluntary contribution acolytes will either keep quiet or convert to new "religion" of short-term US treasury bill paying close to 4% ;)

      And if the Fed pivots next year, capital gains plus coupon interests!

      Everything in context. If got 4th stage liver cancer in our 30s or 40s, then probably, "Why me!?"

      But in our 80s got cancer?

      I'll put it down to wear and tear through "old age".

      Just like those who died from Wuhan virus in their 90s... I mean the "official" cause of death is just a legal and medical technicality.

      To those of us who see things grey grey through less precise philosophical lenses, its death due to old age.

      Unless one believes we can live forever and ever....

      Young junior doctor with good intentions introduced all sorts of medical procedures; senior liver specialist remarked our choice of palliative care not a bad idea.

      Especially when surgery at best extends another 6 months to 18 months, but if unlucky, there's a surgery risk condition may worsen to 6 months instead.

      Yup, I also couldn't imagine myself moving house in my 80s just to make a few extra bucks...

      If anyone wants to play the private property enbloc game, do make sure your neighbours are mostly still climbing up the mountain.

      You don't want too many who are strolling down the mountain who got more than enough oredi!

  3. Hi smoo, nice to see you back. My condolences for the close one diagnosed with cancer. Palliative care is NOT an easy option, especially those who provide it at home, as wished by the sick

    1. Sillyinvestor,

      Thank you.

      Luckily, all the vested parties were unanimous in the decision. We were quite "Zen" about it.

      We're not religious, hence we don't have that dilemma some religious people face - say you believe this and that, but when it's time to go, fight tooth and nail to avoid meeting whoever you believe in!?

      Look, if in our 80s we still cannot accept death is part and parcel of living, then all the scientific education (right-brained) and spiritual beliefs (left-brained) have gone to waste....

      The best hedge against the doctor telling you got another 12 more months to live is to live in the moment.

      If we have lived a good life, where got regrets?

      Regrets are for those who are forever "living" in the future with their goals and plans...

      One day if I achieved this, then I'll do that...

  4. Quote : "Look, if in our 80s we still cannot accept death is part and parcel of living, then all the scientific education (right-brained) and spiritual beliefs (left-brained) have gone to waste....

    The best hedge against the doctor telling you got another 12 more months to live is to live in the moment."

    Read? You die. I die. Doctors also die???

    1. CW,

      Opps! I got it mixed-up... Engine haven't warmed up yet!

      It's scientific education (LEFT-brained) and spiritual beliefs (RIGHT-brained).

      Your relative is on the same spiritual/philosophical path as Anita Mui and the person close to me.

      Death is the poetic ending for a life well lived.

      And for those who have no reason to get up in the mornings, it's a welcomed relief.

  5. "have that dilemma some religious people face - say you believe this and that, but when it's time to go, fight tooth and nail to avoid meeting whoever you believe in!"


    It works that way. Some of us know or scare we might be going to hell ma... Hey give me more time for redemption!!

    1. Sillyinvestor,

      Well, as atheist, I'm making a concentrated bet consciousness goes when the brain goes.

      But if I hear a voice after death, or find myself floating over my body, I'll go, "Shit!"


  6. Sorry to hear about the impending loss of a loved one. It's quality of life that matters, not quantity since we're all going to die some day.
    Take care.

    1. hyom,


      Am glad we were able to come to a unanimous decision - by listening to what the concern person wants; not what we "thought" was best for that person.

      Quality of life when we are terminally sick matters too!

      I hope when my time comes, I'll have the same courage to choose wine, women, and song over jumping from one medical treatment to another; or seeking voodoo miracle cures when I could be doing what I like for one last hoorah!

    2. Trust a man of leisure to choose a life of quality with wine, woman and song. Lol.
      I don't feel comfortable encouraging you because it doesn't sound like a healthy lifestyle but if that's what you want, I hope you get what you wish :)

    3. hyom,

      It's women - plural. Shh...

      I was telling the affected person want to smoke, smoke.

      Having lung cancer no longer matters; not when we already got late-stage liver cancer!

      We are glass half-full people; life can be "liberating" when we have an expiry date ;)
