
Sunday, 17 July 2022

How To Always Make Money In Stocks?


1.  TEACH others (for a generous fee) HOW to make money in Stocks.

2.  Bring in SPACs, Technology funds/ETFs, Data Centre REITs, S-Chips, or anything that's "hot" for the season, and SELL them to the unsuspecting Late Majority or Laggards.

When something is new, risky, or unknown, that's for early adopters and early majority. When you read about it in blogs, broker's recommendations, or mainstream financial websites, don't kid yourself...


3.  IPO the business you started. (This one good, better, best!)


  1. No 1 is good return by investing their time and effort for risk free money and even better if they invest all or part of course fees collected into the market to have skin in the game to show confidence.

    1. CW,

      I've noticed there are more female snake oils joining the fray.

      I mean who doesn't want a better life for ourselves?

      I guess on the bright side, its progress on "diversity"!

      We can't always assume snake oils to be men right?

    2. Hi Smol

      Indeed your observation is right, they come in pairs, 杨过与小龙女, husband and wife team.

    3. Small Time Investor,

      Smart move.

      Having a woman as the "front" lowers the guard of their "sales funnel" prospects...

      Singapore how big?

      Once your "bawu" is known, got to switch to maintain the "freshness".

      Won't be surprised one day their children may take over?

      This is also to avoid the awkward and embarrassing question from the public,

      "You've doing this for 20 over years!? Haven't you reached FIRE yet?"

  2. Smol,

    Program for always making money in stocks:

    1. Buy low.

    2. Sell high.

    3. LOL to the bank.

    4. Goto 1.

    The only bug is what happens between 1 and 2.

    1. Spur,

      1. Most retail "investors" are actually "Growth" investors - we buy HIGH.

      2. When suffering unrealised losses, we either pivot to become:

      a) "Value" investor (one day I'll breakeven); or

      b) "Dividend" investor (I don't care about market price)

      3. We know its really bad when retail "investors" say they intend to gift their stock positions to their grandchildren... They are in it for the LONG TERM.

      Well, that's Lu Xun's "Ah Q" self delusion mentality for you!
