
Friday, 28 January 2022

Man In The Arena



  1. Smol,

    Is a culture i see rotting away at some institutions. Plan and paper work is 70 pecent of the work.

    Well, talk and talk, then start planning. After u happy with theplan, still cannoit start work wor, need to wriute reports and get iut approived first.

    Insay to the hell with iy, and do it.

    1. Sillyinvestor,


      Its bullshit right?

      Imagine my surprise when I discovered Swedish corporate culture is a lot like Japanese too - "building consensus".

      That's euphemism for lots and lots of meetings!

      There was a time I came out of the office a bit sheepish that all I did was a meeting or two, read some emails, and that's that!

      On an expat pay?

      I guess that's reward for paying my dues in the trenches on the operational selling floor during my youth.

      The sad reality is the more we talk "male chicken", or write bullshit reports; and the less actual work we do, the more we are paid!?

      That's why I've gone back to the selling floor to relive my 初心.

      And trading during weekdays is the closest to being in the Arena!

      The punches the markets threw at my bloodied face are all too real and furious!

      But that's what's its like to feel ALIVE!

      Take the passive route?


  2. Plan and "paper work" is 70% of the work in the market as active players. No? :-)

    1. CW,

      Let's be honest, how many retail "investors" spend more than 5 minutes a day on stocks?

      Especially if you have a day job, and you put family time first for those who advocate work/life balance?

      70% of 5 minutes to "plan" - OK, that's 3.5 minutes :)

      During my weekend sales gig, I suspect more people spend more time planning and researching when buying a new TV or air-con than they do stocks!!!


  3. Plans are worthless, but planning is essential -- Dwight Eisenhower (won the western Allies war over Germany)

    No plan survives first contact with the enemy -- Helmuth von Moltke (won the war over France which created the German Empire)

    Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth -- Mike Tyson

    Planning is what you do when nothing happening in markets, bored of gaming, tired from exercising, and wifey telling you to bugger off coz busy WFH -- Spur

    1. Spur,

      We are pretty much on the same page ;)

      There's a reason why big daddy has spent so much time and resources on overhauling our education system all these years...

      As one of the biggest employer in Singapore, they know first hand what we need going forward ;)

      Why we are moving away from "precision" to "grey"; from academic grades to competences...

      No surprise those "investing to escape" like to use SMART goal settings in our community.

      If SMART goal setting didn't work in their day jobs, surely it would work with FIRE!?
