
Thursday, 24 December 2020

Merry Christmas To Tarzans and Wonder Women At This Watering Hole!


Its nice to have a bit of rain to get into the cool Christmas mood. 

Man, I do miss spending Christmas where there is actual snow or having temperatures near to zero.

I have a lot to be thankful for this year.

Healthy. (OK, still pre-diabetic, but it has not gotten worse. Can be reversed one!)

Siblings and parents doing well too. 

All of us still gainfully employed.

I struck the HDB enbloc lottery. (Still waiting for the Toto one. 30 years and counting...)

Blogging wise, I'm humbled and thankful despite my paucity in written posts this year - beasts and fairies; tarzans and wonder women - all still took the time and effort to engage with us in scintillating conversations.

And some good hearted humour and pokes!

The only fly in the ointment is that I'll probably end this trading year in the red... Again. 

Oh well, can't win them all! 


Merry Christmas everyone!

Stay safe and vigilant.

Especially all you old fogies out there!

Don't happy happy make money, throw caution to the wind, be complacent, then kenna Wuhan virus, go sell salted eggs early...




  1. HAppy Xmas & a Merry New Year SMOL!!

    As they say, 2020 was a bull market for anything financial, but a bear market for humans. :P

    Looking at local context though, think maybe only 20% were hard hit. 80% still enjoying same or better life!

    Oh I still prefer a tropical Xmas. Snow is fun for holidays and short-term stays, but a pain in the ass unless you're a kid, DIY-lover, or relatively rich LOL. Especially if you're staying in a suburban house or small town.

    1. Spur,

      Happy holidays to you too!

      Those in the tourism industry are still suffering...

      My sibling's company has started the "blood-letting" in HK. I guess Singapore will come next if things don't improve soon...

      We can see big daddy doing its best to create bubble corridors here, special travel arrangements there.

      Of course there will be some insensitive ones that complain since all recent Wuhan virus cases are mostly imported, stop letting people in!

      Sure... The pin don't prick you, you can say whatever you want...

      Wait. DIY-lover???

      And I thought its more fun to do it under the sheets with another warm body when its freezing!!!


      I see you have spent some time overseas too ;)

  2. Merry Christmas!

    salted eggs?

    It seen that more and more selling different of food with salted eggs!

    Selling salted eggs good biz!

    1. CW,

      Food also got flavour of the year like stocks!

      Before, it was when you ran out of ideas, just add durian flavour!


      its salted eggs ;)

  3. Replies
    1. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to our young crypto warrior!

      Proud to have a representative from this watering hole in that asset class ;)

  4. Merry Christmas Smol.

    Yes. Thankful and I know of many who kena left right center.

    In a way, the gig economy did help do some stop gaps. Heng. And bro ah gong is trying it's best ... Although in terms of bubbles, no success hahahah

    1. Sillyinvestor,


      The self-employed are the worst hit.

      During days of plenty, its easy to spin and promote the "gig economy".

      Now people have discovered from "crash got sound" what's the dark side of the "gig economy" really is...

      Hand stop; mouth stop.

    2. I seemed to be seeing more and more Grab, Panda delivery men / women around...

    3. Rainbow girl,

      Two questions to ponder over:

      1) How many are doing it "to achieve"? How many doing it "to escape"?

      2) Would one be happier being a "freelance contractor"? Or would one be more glad to be working as a fulltime despatch rider with complete company benefits as an employee?

      Why would landowners and shepherds spin the virtues of the gig economy?

      Because it benefits them ;)

      Leaner, quicker, cheaper....

  5. Merry Christmas to one and all.

    Its been quite a year with this pandemic but still much to be thankful for.

    Singapore and Singaporeans seem to be riding this crisis generally ok. With the vaccines on the scene, lets stay safe and look forward to a better year ahead.

    1. mysecretinvestment,

      Yup. It felt like I had a "lost year".


      We are doing better than most other countrues.

      Must give credit to big daddy and most of us Singaporeans who do the common sense thing.

      If want to be irresponsible and callous, don't be stupid by flaunting on social media for all to see!

      Let's look forward to a better year ahead!

  6. Merry X'mas SMOL! Let's look forward to a better 2021... fingers crossed.

    I am no orh-yi-orh nor wonder woman, lol. What would you classify me as?

    1. Rainbow girl,

      Merry Christmas!

      You're the ONE and ONLY Rainbow Girl at this watering hole!


  7. You are healthy. Your siblings and parents are doing well. You are doing well yourself too as king of your new castle. Seems like the important things in life that matter the most are covered.

    I hope this situation remains so in the coming years for you and your family. Same wishes for myself.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
