
Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Not my SMOL eatery

Thanks to the heads-up a few weeks ago by Endrene the cool girl, I got to know there's one eatery sharing this SMOL moniker at Paya Lebar Quarter...

Went there this morning to check it out.

It was not planned, but after naming this blog Singapore Man of Leisure, I found out that smol is the internet slang for calling small in an affectionate way.


I am guessing the owner of this eatery had that in mind when he named his eatery. 

Eat healthy.

Won't get fat.

Not fat, so smol lah!



  1. Aww, smol smol cute cute cuddly wuddly ah. Someone got another reason to provide hugging services to chio bu liao.


    1. Unintelligent Nerd,

      Chio bu don't provide hugging services for free. They eat oil heavy heavy one.

      That's why millennial men seek financial freedom!

      Its sounds less crass than saying they want to be RICH ;)

      Old wine; new bottle.

      Why men want to be RICH?

      To get girls mah!

      I have a harder time figuring out why women want to seek FIRE?

      When the tried and tested way is to marry RICH.

      Don't hit the face girls! Joking only!

    2. Hi SMOL,

      Mostly girls who want to stay single seek FIRE.

      Marry rich good la, can be tai-tai. On the flip side of the coin, those who didn't end up marrying rich would have no chance to retire early due to the "shared liabilities". Boo hoo hoo... TT

    3. Rainbowgirl,

      You got me thinking...

      If men seek FIRE to get girls, then why do men who want to stay single seek FIRE?

      Of course to get girls lah!

      These men don't in believe in Buy-and-Hold?

      Short term leases or rent good enough I guess ;)

  2. Hi SMOL,

    Those who really have the competitive spirit in their blood will choose their battlefields. See which one odds of success higher and bet on that. Not in the top 5% swee enough to fish golden tortoise, then roll up the sleeves and build own fortune to feed materialism and ego.

    Mary rich and become a lamb is not every woman's cup of tea. Gotto scheme and fend off other prowling tigresses eyeing on the gold mine, life not so leisurely lah. Better have enough money to call the shots and let him worry about his 'treasure' walking out on him. Lol.

    1. EY,


      Man and woman same same ;)

      What financial freedom or independence? Its all about who's on top in bed!

      I was so intrigued with the male hostess clubs in Tokyo.

      I guess when we have more diversity in the corporate boardrooms and management ranks, these male hostess clubs will spring up in Singapore ;)

      Or maybe they are already here in Singapore? Just that I mountain tortise?

  3. You should have registered an 'SMOL' trademark and charge whoever that wants to use it. Wasted! Lol

    1. Rainbow girl,

      What to do?

      I don't have the killer instinct...

      That's why I don't have a business :(

      But I'm happily ownself support ownself :)

    2. I think smol.eth is still available.

      Pity I couldn't pick up google.eth or amazon.eth. I think one of them cost SGD $4000 while the other cost $2000.

      There's another ethereum domain name which I could pick up, but maintenance fee is $600 per annum. Bo lui unfortunately. :(

    3. Unintelligent Nerd,

      I crypto dinosaur.

      What's the purpose of having a sexy ethereum domain name?

      Can monetise despite paying the $600 matintenance fee?

    4. Hi SMOL,

      The maintenance fees is dependent on the length of the domain name (shorter names more expensive; longer names more affordable).

      Some influencers use a longer domain name to solicit donations from their readers. (eh, where's your "buy me a drink" section on your blog?)

      Others intend to buy and flip it to businesses.

    5. I just checked. unintelligentnerd.eth cost USD $5.02 per year, but I don't think anyone wants to donate to me, LOL!

    6. Unintelligent Nerd,

      Ah! Got it!

      I prefer human contact and interactions. That's the reason I ask others for kopi.

      Not for that few dollars ;)
