
Monday, 10 September 2018

When to Save More; when to Earn More

Simple primary school math.

If a person "only" needs $50K per year to be financially free, then all he/she needs is to save $50K per year for 20 years. One million dollars invested with "conservative" 5% yield will provide $50K for life! 

(Don't too serious. Pretend pretend as example only. Of course life is not a straight line extrapolation!)

Start work at 25? Then can retire early at 45! Easy peasy! Just through save more only!!!

But if married and husband or wife stay at home never work (you did choose him/her remember?), then we either have to save $100K for 20 years or $50K for 40 years.

Start work at 25, retire financially free at 65 by saving $50K per year. Just nice can collect "bonus" CPF Life payouts too! (See? Life is good if CPF is a smaller portion of our networth!)

Again, just through save more only! Look! Anyone and everyone can do it!!!

That's until the rubber hits the road...

When you realise you earn less than $100K per year...

Those who earn more than $100K per year can focus on save more.

Earn less than $100K per year?

Perhaps that's why so many are willing to pay thousands of dollars for workshops and courses to learn how to EARN MORE!?

Those who pay to learn how to save more I don't know what to say... Can't figure things out for themselves?

Now you know why even at 80 or 90 years young, so many HDB heartlanders still queue to buy Toto!

Trust but verify

Just look at your relatives, neighbours, classmates who were not so well off when you were young, but have now became much wealthier than you...

How did they do it?

1)   Doing sales with high commissions or corportate careers that give big bonuses when they achieve (institutional traders, investment bankers, jobs with abcs as titles like CEOs, CFOs, COOs; etc)?

2)   Being their own boss by starting their own businesses?

3)   Marry rich or marry lucky as in the husband or wife dirt poor when marry, but later became examples 1 or 2 above? 

4)   Made serious money through speculation in properties or equities?

5)   Struck Toto or Big Sweep? I think this can put in same category as marry lucky?

6)   Of course I've not forgotten this last one. Study hard to become doctors or lawyers? 

When we say we got "lucky" in financial matters, do we associate it with earn more or save more?

Does anyone know of anyone, any company, or any country that achieved prosperity through austerity?

I know what you going to say. 

You've read stories of people frugal frugal saved $1 million dollars in 10 years and became financially free at age 35.

Friend, using 100% savings rate (you parasite on parents), to save $1 million in 10 years, you have to earn how much a year?

Your mom dropped you when you were a baby right?


  1. Earn more is tough as it requires much more effort and time to achieve . Save more is easier as it requires only sacrifices and let compounding interests work winder

    1. CW,

      Climbing up the mountain, gravity works against us.

      Strolling down the mountain, gravity not an issue.

      There is a season for everything.

      Time to play; time to work.

      Time to earn more; time to save more ;)

      Can do both at the same time even better!

      But not everyone can multitask...

      I Pentium II :(

      Lucky got Hyperthreading so not so bad!


  2. Retirement easy lar! Until you found a spouse->house->car->kids then retirement (provided the kids don't de de siao siao cause more problem)
    SMOL you take shortcut liao cannot complain!
    I just never figure it out how someone who just earn 10k, wife not working and parents not well off can afford a condo and a BMW.. LOL

    1. WolfT,

      During my primary school class reunion after I came back, it was so interesting to see my classmate's younger brother all grown-up and now a Catholic priest!

      I don't think those who have found their "calling" will call it a "job ;)

      In a way, monks, priests, pastors, etc; they are financially "free" right? I mean do they worry about money or when they can "retire"???

      To think I almost named by blog: The Flower Monk!?


      Look, banana republic countries can do it; so can we!

      Just borrow and spend first; worry about repayments tomorrow ;)

      Companies and entrepreneurs also do that what? Why use your own money when we can risk other people's money?

      Even "financially literate" folks tell us if our portfolios too puny in size, not to worry! Just borrow from your friendly broker and like magic, your portfolio can be multiplied 2 times, 3 times, 5 times, 10 times even! Its really that easy! Leaverage only mah!

      So how can we say that peron is "wrong" to live in condo and buy car on a 10K per month salary? The more we spend, the more cash rebates and frequent flying miles we get remember? We are definitely worth it!

      The most declare bankrupt only.

      Countries and businesses have defaulted on their debts. If they can; so can we!


      P.S. Now that's a funny philosophy of living! People do; we do. LOL!

    2. Like that arh. Okay. We should be topping up our CPF to the max every year and if we ever bankrupt we can retire okay. At least got minimum sum to survive.

    3. CW,

      Please bankrupt AFTER age 55 OK?

      And that's provided your CPF is above BRS.

      If not, please bankrupt after 65 please ;)

  3. While it is definitely easier to save more after u earn more, keep8ng to a lifestyle means 2 notches below is also not as easy as it seems.

    Smol, speaking for myself only. So, I belong to the camp where I pray everyday that I can and want to work till I die

    1. Sillyinvestor,

      And what's wrong with it?

      Isn't it great to do something we love and enjoy?

      How many can be so lucky!?

      To know WHY we get up in the mornings for :)

      The truth is most who seek financial freedom simply hate their day jobs; they are in it just to "escape".

      "Escape" to what they have no clue...

      Hence the moving of goal posts so as to avoid facing up to what they really want to do with their lives...

      I'm not using trading to "escape"; I am trading to achieve. Its about craftsmanship like calligraphy or archery.

      And just like you, I will do it till my end of days ;)

      Why do things we don't enjoy?


    2. Hi smol,

      Well said. Another intriguing insight. New horizon evolving in my perspective.


  4. temperament,

    You so cute!

    You really have a problem with irony, sarcasm, and satire ;)

  5. temperament,

    Frugality is a must?

    Your own money what you do with it is your own business.

    How other people want to spend their money you want to get involved?

    Indian Chief warning alert! Sound the alarm!


  6. temperament,

    In my family, I can be considered the most "frugal" one (they use another adjective on me though).

    I got seduced by the same sour grapes little "lies" you have just shared above to feel good about ourselves in my youth.

    Then I saw how others like neighbours, classmates, colleagues, relatives, and friends got ahead financially ;)

    Its like proudly telling the world you don't include the property you stay in for your net worth calculations.

    Of course you don't!

    You'll get depressed when others include their landed properties and condos they live in.

    I rather earn $10K per month and have no savings than earn $2K but can save $1K per month.

    The former I have a lot more options and room for redemptions once I saw the light and turned over a new leaf ;)

    The latter? How much more can I save?

  7. temperament,

    I think you have not heard of Peer-to-Peer lending, GoFundMe, love scams, etc...

    Of course not easy; easy meant everyone stupid!

    But to some trusting bei kambings, just spin a good story, they'll give you money and thank you for it!

  8. temperament,

    On the big scale, we have Theranos and Telsla.

    At an even bigger scale we have Argentina last year with their "juicy" 7.9% yielding 100 year bond offer.

    How's that for institutional yield hogs!?

    Then we have our Singapore's own junk bond defaults. Of course the friendly banker that sold you these bonds won't call them "junk", they will call it, "High yield bonds." Sexier right?

    People are suckers for word play ;)

    If institutions and high networth individuals can bite with 8% yield, what do you think if you offered 18% interest as "bait"?

    Try it on your friends. 9 out of 10 won't bite. But there's always that one who will bite. 18% wor!

    When people are desperate, even own family they will swindle!

  9. temperament,

    OK, word play time ;)

    1) From lender perspective - its not a "loan"; I give this money to you willingly. We family mah!

    2) From borrower perspective - its a "loan" I have no intention of ever repaying. We family mah!

    Sometimes we read sob stories in the papers.

    Son convince parents to sell their HDB flat to fund son's business ambitions.

    Son very "filial"; brings parents to live with them - 3 generations under 1 roof.

    Business failed. Live together got friction. Parents got kicked out.

    Its all in the family mah...

  10. temperament,

    Then I prefer to be the one doing the beating!


  11. temperament,

    That's how our ancestors came to Singapore...

    Far from kin and family :(

    Unitl they decided to start their own family here and grow roots ;)

    We Chinese are super adaptable one.

    I was so surprised to find 2nd generation chinese operating chinese restaurant in Bucharest, Romania!?

    We are everywhere!

  12. Smol,

    Afterall, it's a number game. As you have mentioned of one knowing the "enough" number, one executes his/her plan accordingly. Let nature takes its course thereafter. Enjoy the moment!


  13. temperament,

    You told me remember? We had this discussion about the many political leaders in Asia that are Hakkas.

    Admirable track record right? From China, Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand, and Singapore!

    Well, let's just say Thaksin is wise enough - like most rich families in Asia - to have the foresight to ensconce some of his wealth OUTSIDE of Thailand ;)

    Even if its not for political reasons, before 1997 Asian Financial crisis got excuse; we can claim ignorance!

    Now we know what to do next time!

    That's the strength of experienced "lau kok kok" ;)


    P.S. And I thought Thaksin's problems started when he lost power... You are trying to pull an Ah Q act on yourself ;)

    OK lor! Don't marry rich, don't be successful and powerful! Just be insignificant nobody.

    Hey! Whatever makes you happy!

  14. temperament,

    Wow lao eh! You really making things up!

    Of all the Chinese diaspora, the Thais and the Chinese have integrated the best!

    The Thais treat their Chinese minorities better than how some "born and breed" Singaporean Chinese treat the new citizen Chinese from our old motherland...

    Personally, I think Chinese treat other Chinese the worst!

    In Thailand, the North/South divide, or to be more precise, its the competition between the city elites (Bangkok) and the rest of those in the farming countryside - that is the main fault line here.

    Thaksin and his sister are well loved by farmers who see the Thaksin govt cares about their welfare.

    The city elites don't like their authority challenged; so they accuse Thaksin and his sister of "vote buying" by giving farmers subsidies...


    But then again, on another perspective, the REAL divide is between the democratically elected civilian governments and the military.

    The military will close one eye until they feel the need to "remind" everyone who's really in charge...

    Now you know why big daddy takes good care of our generals ;)

  15. temperament,

    No, I did not ;)

    You have certain "biases", and they came out as your own "you see what you want to see"...


    You unlucky. I happen to know my history and have been to Bangkok too many times for work and pleasure ;)

    The present Thai royal family, the Chakri Dynasty, was founded by King Rama I who himself was partly Chinese ;)

    The Chinese and Thais have integrated very well. The best from our Chinese diaspora history!

    With more mixed marriages like you have alluded, it does not matter anymore.

    Just like in the 50s, if your son brought back a chinese girl not from your dialect group, you probably not so happy...

    Dialect division and competition were real then.

    Now? Who cares!?

  16. temperament,

    Its not hearsay; its official as in the history textbooks ;)

    Thailand is one of the countries on my list for possible plan B. So you don't anyhow smoke! I got do research one!

    Trying to stir shit kenna blocked...

    Now switch topic to imply nepotism in Singapore?

    In the distant future you not around, why you bother?

    Let's verify.

    Last election you got vote or not?

    If yes, who did you vote for?

    There are people who talk loud loud got dragons got phoenixes against big daddy; during election time vote big daddy. KNS.

    Are you one of them?


  17. temperament,

    Ah! So say say only lah... See? You don't mind or care whether another Lee member becomes Prime Minister in the distant future ;)

    Friend, I cannot banter with you anymore as you are venturing into the out-of-bound markers.

    There are no race riots in Thailand betweeen the Thais and Chinese.

    But we have race riots in Singapore and the countries you mentioned.

    The reasons and causes are all well documented. If you really don't know, just google.

    To integrate, we need to first seek to understand; then to be understood.

    I respect and honour my fellow non-Chinese citizens by learning their language, culture, history, spirituality, cuisine, and aspirations; etc.

    I live, play, study, and work together with them ;)

    I do my part to integrate with others; I don't expect others to integrate with me - that's Chinese chauvinism.
