
Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Knowing when to move on...


  1. Could I add that if you are lucky, when one door closes, another few more might open for you. And it's your choice to see which open door you want to step into :p

    1. Kate,

      I love having intellectually stimulating conversations with women!


      Its when we can't let go... Or cut-loss... That's when hurt ourselves the most...

      We stopped exploring, stopped dreaming, stopped growing, stopped living...

      Who we are today are the choices we have or have not made yesterday ;)

  2. When the coffin door closed that is the last door.

    1. CW,

      For atheists like me, that's the end. (I'll sweat bullets if there's heaven and hell)

      But for believers, life on earth is just a "full dress rehearsal". In theory there should be another door that "opens" when the coffin door closed...

      If no...

      Too late to have your money back guarantee right?


  3. A lot depends on how important that door is to us. Even if the door does not open today, that does not mean we should ignore it and let it stay closed forever. Cutting loss today could mean we fold today so that we can survive and come back years later to bang that bloody door down when a good opportunity comes. A lot depends on whether that door is worth it, though. Nobody can decide except ourselves.

    1. hyom hyom,

      That's why most people would prefer to AVOID making decisions of their own.

      Should I cut-loss or keep knocking?

      For every Einstein's insanity is to do the same thing over and over again, but expect different results examples...

      There's the opposite Thomas Edison's cases of not giving up despite numerous failures until he discovered tungsten...

      Yes, nobody can decide except ourselves.

      Yet, what's the most common questions or behaviours exhibited by "bei kambing" readers of financial blogs?

  4. If the door open for you by itself later, you really want/dare to enter?

    1. WolfT,

      Lucky I atheist ;)

      I won't think too much since if I don't believe in one, I wouldn't believe in the other too!

      I knock. Door opens. I enter to look see, look see.

      Hello! Anybody home?

      Fun, I'll stay in.

      Bored, I'll leave to knock other doors.


  5. Why must go through doors?

    Inside got what? Outside got rain but maybe more expansive. If open for u, go home, if not take a walk and come back again. Dun anybow open door.

    Oops sorry...

    1. Sillyinvestor,

      Now we talking about even deeper philosophcal stuffs!?

      Why must go through doors?


      Sometimes I just smile when I see parrots and yalor yalor bei kambings try to "jio" their friends to queue behind the same door they are knocking on.

      These "L plate" shepherds have not even entered the door themselves...

      And when asked why must go through this particular door, well, others queue, I queue mah!

      Come! Quick join the queue behind me!!!

  6. Doors opened to any Tom, Dick and Mary are mostly not worth entering.

    Those worth entering, they won't respond to knocking. You either got to have the key or a special code phrase. And 'open sesame' won't cut it! ;P

    1. Endrene,

      Welcome back dimpled girl!

      Guys like doors that open to anyone and everyone; but we won't introduce that door to our moms.

      Parents do their best to send their children to schools not anyone and everyone can enter.

      Students study hard so they can get a job not anyone and everyone can do in future.

      The funny thing is, I see many do the opposite when it comes to their journeys towards financial freedom?

      Its an easy tell to filter out who are in it to "escape" or to "achieve".

      Those who "invest to escape" would knock on this door...

      Those who "invest to achieve" would knock on that door...


    2. Haha. Those who invest to achieve will be honing their skills as locksmiths instead of wasting time knocking on the doors.

      At work, it is also common to see people asking for promotion or better performance grade. It's like 'ask and you shall be given'. Knock on the door long enough, it will open?!?

      If door doesn't open, it's the door's problem. Stupid door. :P

    3. Endrene,

      High five!

      You har!


      I've always loved bantering with you ;)

      You dare to say it like it is!!!


  7. Hi Smol,

    Your analogy is true. There is no point to keep knocking on the door in which there is no response. It's better to look elsewhere which is akin to having an option as one's perspective.

    Having option, is the peace of mind and one will be more happier in adopting such approach. If have, take. If don't have, leave. It's simple as "ABC".


    1. Ben,

      The spirituality in you is getting stronger ;)


    2. Smol,

      Sama. Sama.

      I believe that it's the matter of letting go of all the emotion. The idea of "enough" idealogy developed by you, goes to great extent in enhancing my "Tao" cultivation. Kudos to you.

      I am still learning. I think that the key essential ingredient is the ability to let go and adopting the relaxed mood. It is akin to the "Tai Ji" Grandmaster 张三丰 which adopt the relaxing mood in learning his martial disciple. Slow and steady makes progress.

