
Friday, 24 August 2018





  1. Replies
    1. CW,


      I'll be 51 this coming November.

      You know what?

      Life into my 50s quite cool ;)

    2. SMOL,

      How's life at 40s?


    3. Ben,

      When I reached my late 30s, things all of sudden become a lot "clearer".

      Its not "enlightenment" by any stretch of the imagination, but I find myself peering through the smoke and mirrors. And saw the strings pulling on me when I looked up ;)

      Confuscius was right. 四十不惑。

      My new found "awareness" cut across different realms; be it politics, economics, spirituality, relationships, and philosophy.

      If not, how would I be able to say I have "enough" at 44?

      Those who only have financial goals for their "retirement" will most likely move the goal posts again and again.

      There must be a reason why we get up in the mornings ;)

      So how's life being a man-whore in my 40s?

      Its "funtastic"!

    4. Hi SMOL,

      I just reached 40 a few months back. I am focusing on making the best use of the remaining time in this world. You are right to mention that the financial post target keeps shifting. I tend to be restricted in this area. I try to abolish such thought and convince myself that I have achieved enough for the FI. This is the reason why I have yet to pull the trigger on the full-time employment. I have no commitment at this juncture with the exception of monthly allowance to both parents.

      I believe that you would also encounter such circumstance before pulling the trigger on your full-time career many years back. Can you share how you managed to convince yourself in pulling the trigger on your full-time employment at 44? If possible, can share more details on your "man-whore" exploits? I will be interested to know. If these two are not possible, it is alright as this pertains your privacy.


    5. Ben,

      Its like having a meal. You'll know when you are "full".

      What you may be "concerned" with is what if you live till 100 and more? What if the money ran out? What if medical costs continue to rise? Endless what ifs!!!

      But if you knew you'll go sell salted eggs in 5 years' time, I'll bet you'll feel you have enough already!!!

      From the way you've framed your question, I sense it not about money. Its something else that's holding you back ;)

      This you may have to figure it out yourself.

      FI to escape is not the same as FI to achieve ;)

      Get my hint?

      As for my "exploits", I don't kiss and tell. But I think I've shared about my 2 live-in-sin partners during my time in Shanghai somewhere in my blog.

      Anyway, glad both of them are married now. That's a load off my mind. Feel less guilty.

      I'm not a cad OK?

    6. Hi SMOL.

      I get the hint. Thks for sharing your insights with me. You are indeed the final piece in my "jigzaw" exploit. I know what to do going forward.

      Cheers. :)


    7. Smol,

      FI to achieve is definitely not on my agenda. My preference to simplicity tells it all. This clears all my lingering doubt and makes my decision much more easier and clear-cut.

      Kudos to U. :)


    8. Ben,

      Don't forget kopi-O kosong OK?

      If you prefer older men, I can jio CW and temperament along.

      I'm also moonlight as pimp ;)

    9. SMOL,

      No problem. Old men are my cup of "coffee". The older, the better. More essence. :)


    10. Ben,


      CW is skinny and quite dried up. Please don't suck any more essence out from him!

      I'm bald. So no herbal essence for you too!

      Give chance.


    11. Smol,

      No herbal."Susu" essence alao can.



  2. Ya...can you do a comparison between 40s and 50s...
    I read somewhere that pple are at their lowest point in their 40s...then it gets better...
    Can you validate that?

    1. Lady You Can Be Free mei mei,


      You must be approaching 40 soon?

      女人,不要被老击败! (This is a very adult Taiwan joke!)

      Physically, yes. There's a difference. Less flexible, more aches and pains on my left knee when I climb down the stairs. And can't run. Run a bit feel like dying... LOL!

      But mentally and psychologically, I'm the same 7, 18, 26, 35, 44 year old me of yesterday!

      I don't act my age :)

      Yes, I am a bit wiser and more "mature" now that I'm 51; but I try my best not to 以老卖老...

      The best way to remain "young at heart" is to expose myself to new things and people - learn new language, mess with Zen drumming, flirt with jie jies and mei meis, shhh....

      But then again, I'm a man. This age thing has less impact on me. Except maybe the being called "uncle" part... Idiot!

      Women are more "sensitive" about age. Especially if you let others "use" age to define you.

      I find some women are quite weird... Self-imposed chains on themselves with silly "goals" like getting married by XX, have first child by XX plus?

      Of all things, copy from men? Face palm...

      Woman, your strength is happy do! Not happy don't do!

      No, your lowest and highest points are not based on age.

      Your lowest point is the bottom of soles.

      Your highest point is the top of your scalp.

      However, there's one thing that has a bigger impact than age over women - menopause.

      Do be aware of it least you need to seek medical help to lessen the internal "turmoil".

      I remember when mom had hers, it was pure hell for us!

      Get scolding and screamed at for nothing at all???

      This is the time for understanding men in your life.

      Tip: Nonchalantly place articles or books about menopause in their view ;)

      So woman, don't worry about tomorrow, have fun!

      Don't save your orgasms for old age :)

    2. temperament,

      You funny.

      What married couples do behind close doors is not anyone's business. (Religious people have a bad habit here)

      Why should we listen to anyone tell us when to STOP having sex!?

      The day I stop being interested in women, that's the day I should go sell salted eggs liao.

      Why bother getting up in the moring then?


    3. temperament,

      Good try. But no cigar.

      I practice, "Its better to seek forgiveness than to ask for permisssion."

      And I buy shoes by putting my foot in to see fit or not; I don't ask others what shoe size should I wear?


    4. Hi SMOL,

      A good one. Practical is much more better than asking others for opinion. One knows what is best for him or her.


    5. temperament,


      I think you'll enjoy this:

      This is your brain on God

      Cats are not sheep.

      We don't say, "Oh great! No need to think for ourselves! Just listen to shepherds can oredi! Authority figures can't be wrong one. In big daddy we trust."


    6. temperament,

      Amazing isn't it?

      Same book (OK, there are different editions) yet some put more faith on to the words of their "shepherds" than trust what's written in the gospels...

      I guess its much easier to be told what to believe and what do.

      Thinking is hard.

    7. temperament,

      There you go!

      Now with the blue pill, its no longer about physical limitations.

      Its more about our psychology.

      If we no longer interested, we no longer interested. Period.

      And that is not age dependent ;)

      If its not age dependent, why do I have to waste time listening to others at what age we should stop sex?

      Ted talks and books are good. Its good to listen to other viewpoints and learn new things.

      Just as long we don't forget to live our own lives!

      Least we end up becoming a parrot ;)

    8. temperament,

      Ha ha.

      Yup, we are merely shooting the breeze over here.


  3. In 40s, where prefect eye sight starting looking for glasses

    In 50s, other human being starts to show sign of failing or become worse

    In 60s, hoping things are not getting worse

    In 70s, Heng ah!

    1. Hi bro cw

      I don't have perfect eye sight since primary school... I so envy to those who have perfect eye sight :)
      At 1 point of my young time got a trend to wear glasses, then my fren also start to wear zero degree glasses just to follow the trend... Me like "huh, like that also can"? Lol


    2. CW,

      "Heng ah" is right!!!

      All your powerpoints and goals will be for naught if you never woke up from your fall in the bathroom...

      I told mom we see so many old age sickness and ailments during her hospital appointments is because we all are living longer than "planned".

      Imagine if we died at around age 65 "as planned" - like when CPF was first introduced - then a lot of financial and medical problems will be gone!

      Mom laughed; I laughed.

      Long life is not necessarily a blessing.

    3. Aiyo, Menopause and Human parts falling apart. You two aren't making it better leh :-P.

    4. Lady You Can Be Free,


      There's one more - gravity ;)

    5. temperament,

      Long life is meaningful only when we are healthy.

      What's the point of living up to a 100 when we are bound to a hospital bed with tubes running all over our bodies?

      Yet how many put any thought on taking care of our bodies when we are still healthy?

      Its all about money, money, money!

    6. SMOL,

      You are right. Usually, many will not focus on taking care of the health when they are in the prime. I believe that it is the complacency which is the main cause. Every bit of caution will help towards prolonging the vitality and health beings.


    7. Ben,

      Let's drink to our good health!


  4. Hi smol

    If u are given a chance to change 1 thing in ur 40s. What will u change or redo to make ur 50s more "funtastic" or more meaningful to u?


    1. sy sy,

      I am happy today because of the decisions I've made or did not make yesterday.

      So to remain happy tomorrow, I better focus on making the "right" decisons today.

      I don't play "ah Q" game by fantasizing what I could have changed yesterday to make today better ;)

      I practice "cut-loss". That's one way to "undo" the mistakes of the past :)

  5. temperament,

    I did not have one (yet).

    It was the "reversed". I opened my eyes ;)

    Wait, I had a "crisis" during Sec 1 when mom throw away my bolster! The one I never washed and had that "unique" smell.

    Now living with mom cannot. When she gone, I'll go to Japan and buy a bolster with sexy female anime printed on it?

    Hee, hee.

    I never want to grow up!

  6. Replies
    1. Sy sy,

      If I'm a cat, I'll roll over to my back and let you rub my tummy ;)


  7. SMOL,

    Why not get a real gal who love you instead? I think that it will be much worthwhile.


  8. Ben,

    So says the single guy ;)

    What can I do? She married someone else.

    I can't set goals on relationships or make plans for love...

    I not one of those men who go "buy" a wife from Vietnam or Mainland China :(

    I saw in Youtube some Japanese men are buying lifesize dolls to keep them company when their wives died. I guess I can understand why - dolls never talk back!


    Don't you worry. I don't think I have a problem with having relationships with women ;)

    I not a herbivore.

  9. Get sex robot and can talk sweetly to you. Doll is dumb! May be dumb is better. :-)

  10. Hi SMOL,

    You are not the type of person who will have problem with gals. It's up to the individual's choice. The most important thing is to be happy in the preferred decision. The rest is secondary.


  11. CW,

    Didn't know you so adventurous! A sex robot sounds a bit "nasty". You kinky you!

    I don't think I would want to hug something that's metalic and run on electricity... Wait short-circuit how?

    A lot more safer to hug a cuddly bolster or soft doll :)

    I think we better stop. Wait people may think I "hentai" (pervert) or what!?


  12. Hi SMOL,

    This post is like inviting personal interview questions lol! And your answers rock. Looks like we will only know what we truly want after many many experiences.

    Actually 30s, 40s, 50s... doesn't matter. As long as we have good health, we can live the good life. :)

    1. Rainbow girl,

      Hee, hee.

      I saw a blank piece of wall.

      I graffiti on it.

      Stood back.

      Others started writing and painting on the wall.

      We exchanged pointers ;)

      I stumbled onto this style of posting:

      1) No indian chief "wah kali gong".

      2) No what do you think fishing for comments.

      3) Its "invitation to treat" like what we used to say in retail.

      4) The end result is unplanned and unscripted. No such thing as 10 year series "recommended" answers ;)

      The fun part is sometimes we go so far off tangent until we ended up in Holland!!!


    2. SMOL,

      This sound like flexibility to me. You are right. There is no such things like model answer. Life will be too dull with the same old model. Flexibilty is the way to go. It also adds excitement in the process as well.


    3. Ben,

      Not easy being different. Require thick skin and independent thinking ;)

      Society likes to hammer down the nail that sticks out :(


    4. temperment,

      Ah! Consciousness! Very deep topic that cuts across science, religion, and philosophy!

      That's why some advanced cancer patients refuse morphine.

      They rather bear the pain than lose consciousness of who they are.

      Without consciousness, are we still living?

    5. temperament,

      Yes. I've read about it too.

      We discussed it at this old post:

      Palliative and Hospice care versus Curative treatments

      I hope to have the courage to "cut loss" on myself if it happens to me.

      This is the final test of our spirituality - both for believers and non-beleivers.

  13. temperament,

    Least anyone get carried away, Singapore does not have the 1st Amendment in our constitution OK?

    We have out-of-bounds markers!

    Since we are "adults" here, I trust everyone are mindful and will take responsibility for what they write here ;)

    Make a wild guess why I'm the first few bloggers who dare to use my real name and picture?

    Its more "dangerous" to blog or write comments with anonymous nicks ;)

  14. Hi Jared,

    知天命, 赏明月. I congratulate you on your happy state of mind. Financial independence is a foundation for happiness but no guarantee for happiness. Once a person has enough wealth and in reasonably good health, what gets in his way to happiness is how he see things in life. There will always be imperfections in a person's life, however successful he may appear outwardly. It is his perspectives on those imperfections that affects his happiness.

    I don't think it was easy in your case since your path as a Man of Leisure is so unusual and not likely to be well-received by society. I am full of respect and envy for you after reading this post. You've achieved the ultimate goal - being happy :)

    Take good care of your physical health, since you are reaching 半百. One cannot 赏月 without good health. I wish you good physical health, good mental health and achieve more than enough from your trading pursuits. Many more good years in your 50s.

    1. Hi Hyom Hyom,

      I definitely agree with you. Smol is a carefree person who takes things easily.

      His broad horizon, willingness to take the plunge in putting the trigger on the full time employment is a feat. It's not easy making such decision given that he could have accumulated more stash by working longer. However, he chose not to do so. I believe that he values his time more than $. He mentioned that he had "enough" at the age of 44 through his self-awareness through several aspect.

      I believe it to be the power of Zen.


    2. hyom hyom,

      Yes, it helps when we eat watermelons, we don't have to eat all the way to the green bits.

      I too respect you for having found your spiritual calling with so much conviction and passion!

      I'm more enthralled with Science.

      Although our paths may differ, we share one common view:

      Life is not just about the endless accumlation of money.

      Thank you for your well wishes!

      I listen to my body.

      Hungry eat; tired rest.


    3. Hi Ben,

      Indeed, SMOL doesn't care about how people see him and takes things easily. He declares himself as a Man of Leisure. The people around him will get the impression he is a high-achiever who attains financial freedom early in life. Then, he takes up weekend jobs as a retail sales promoter to pass his time. High-achiever should become director sitting on some boards after early retirement. Why be sales promoter? Wouldn't it be embarrassing to meet your ex-colleagues, especially subordinates, if they happen to be shopping? Looks more like a loser than someone who has achieved financial freedom. This is someone who really doesn't care about how people will view him. This is why I respect and envy SMOL. He is one of a kind.

    4. Don't know kenna "suan" or complimented???

      Maybe I should print T-shirts with the logo:

      "I happy; why you care?"

      I can sell them online here at my blog?


    5. This blogger platform doesn't allow me to modify comments after posting. Cannot delete, cannot modify. I cannot change certain choice of words that I used that may convey the wrong impression.

      I want to add that SMOL is definitely a winner by society's standards as he is able to retire early. He is a winner who doesn't mind looking like a loser in other people's eyes. That makes him an even bigger winner!

    6. Hyom Hyom,

      Due respect to Smol. He does not give a damn on how people thinks of him. He is just be his own man. Status is of no concern to him as reflected in his willingness to be a sales promoter whom many would have considered to be a downgraded job.


    7. hyom hyom,

      Just teasing you!

      I know!

      With my own blog posts, I can edit my posts whenever I spot spelling or grammar mistakes. I don't like to do proof reading BEFORE pressing the publish button.

      My "powderful" O' level england is revealed in all its full glory when I comment at other people's blogs :(

      Alamak! So many misspelling and grammar errors!!!

      Oh well...


      My excuse is that my brain is faster than my fingers? How's that for shameless self-praise?

    8. Mis-spelling and grammar errors are minor. Major ones are wrong choice of words that offend people and damage a relationship that took time to build.

      Or what if I sign off with my real name? Or reveal certain aspects about me that I regret later? I'm not as courageous and open as you. Jared, if I make requests in future to delete certain posts, please help.

      This blogger platform is dangerous. It is a new risk to take note.

    9. Ben and hyom hyom,

      Who said I don't care what others say?

      Call me "uncle" and I'll show you what's the meaning of fury!

      I very sensitive one OK?

    10. Smol,

      Calm down, man. Btw, I know you will not get fury unless due necessity . Afterall, it's just comment lah.

      No need to get serious.


    11. hyom hyom,

      Of course can! One cup of kopi for one delete comment request.

      Now don't blackmail you, wait till when?

      Yes, even under the cloak of anonymity, its best to write as if you are talking in public in real life.

      We don't go round telling everyone we think those earning less than $500K per year are "mediocre", do we?

      That's not how to win friends and influence others!

      Just say we interested in top talent and we are willing to pay top dollars for them!

      How difficult is that?

    12. Smol,

      重金聘赏, 必有勇夫.


  15. temperament,

    I say one. How?


    I just know those politicians who think we have US 1st Amendment have to "run road" and are now "exiled" overseas.

    And not just politicians.

    Remember that NTUC woman who took flight to Australia after passing comment on the noise at our HDB void deck?

    And that ang moh with son who thought they "tua kee" so can pass comments freely about Singapoeans taking the MRT?


  16. Smol,

    It's better not to talk about these sensitive topics. Not worthwhile annoying the authorities. It will be more interesting to talk about the leisurely and fun daily routine topics to invoke fun discussions. 笑傲江湖.


  17. Ben,

    Don't you worry.

    The animals that come to this watering hole are adults and have "ink in their bellies" one.

    Why would anyone come here to be poked by me if they are not confident of poking back?

    笑傲江湖 is precisely "talking male-chicken" about sex, religion, and politics ;)


    Of course, I'm not blind to the consequences. That's why I use my real name and don't wear a brown paper bag over my head.

    That's the best RESTRAINT for pubic comment ;)

  18. Hi Jared,

    Err... I think you remembered me wrongly. Maybe you are thinking of another person. I have no spritual calling. Certainly not a religious man. Even though I have a religion, it is for practical, selfish reasons. I don't want to go to hell just in case God exists. Thankfully, I don't worship God so that he can bless me with riches. Prosperity Gospel is not for me. I don't believe in GIVING to the church to achieve prosperity. LOL. I am a selfish man and not a spiritual man. My favourite charity is myself and my family.

    I am still very much a practical man who is more concerned with money and face. What makes me envious of you is you don't seem to care much about face and how others see you. As a result, I'm pretty sure you will end up being a happier man than most financially independent people.

    Being an engineer, I would like to think of myself as a Man of Science. I'm enthralled by Science too. Science and technology is what drives human progress throughout history.

    I too share the view that life is not just about endless accumulation of money. Why work for money when one already has enough of it? However, I think many people who have achieved financial independence will not stop after they have enough money. Humans will always ask for more after they have reached one milestone. That is actually a good thing and it is what drives human progress. Good for lesser people like me when these greater people want to work to the end to make the world a better place.

    1. hyom hyom,


      I've mistaken you for Rolf - the oily guy.

      Lucky you not woman. If not, I can forget about getting milk from you ever again!

      I beg forgiveness.

    2. Hi Hyom Hyom,

      I used to have such thought till 25 Aug 2018. I have awakened from such thought and would be executing my decision tmr.


    3. Hi Ben,

      Wait wait! What are you going to do? Please don't be influenced by my posts or SMOL's or anyone else, especially if it is something as momentous as quitting your job or something like that.

      This kind of decision is best driven by "Know yourself and your personal situation". Don't copy others because all of us are unique individuals with unique set of personal circumstances.

    4. hyom hyom,

      Don't you worry.

      There are no Indian Chiefs and followers here.

      We are like a Jazz band.

      We are fellow travellers who happen to meet and chit-chat a bit at this watering hole.

      Then we are off again on our OWN journeys.

      You don't find "yalor, yalor" fan boys and girls here, do you?


    5. Smol,

      Kudos to you.

      hyom hyom,

      Not to worry. My preferred lifestyle is to be carefree. Your circumstance might be different as me. As such, you might feel worried about my impending decision as per your own perspective. Once again, I appreciate your concern. I am responsible for whatever outcome in respect of my decision. Moreover, I am not worried about it and feel enlightened. I overcame the invisible barrier which prohibits me from doing so after so many months. In fact, it is self-imposed barrier which I deem it as a totally unnecessary. I guess that this is one form of learning which I have undergone and emerged enlightened after much deliberation.


  19. Hi hyom hyom,

    Thks for your concern. I know myself well and not be influenced by external comments. Life is for enjoyment to the fullest and I am making a decision which I know to be my best benefits to the best of my ability and consideration.


  20. Hi Ben,

    I don't know what you are going to do. For issues concerning money, it is easy to determine whether money is enough or not. It is a numbers exercise but remember to put in conservative margin of safety. Benjamin Graham's concept of margin of safety is useful in this number exercise.

    For non-money issues, only the person involved knows best.

    Like what Jared likes to say, are you making the decision to escape or to achieve? A desirable situation is to be able to make money from what you enjoy in life. I hope you will be able to do just that after making your decision.

  21. Hi hyom hyom,

    To me, money enough can already. It does not have to be a lot. It's not a decision on whether to escape or achieve. It's the matter on how to lead the life to the fullest going forward and doing the things one want and desire.

    I desire to live a life which I am looking forward every day. Live life on own term, is what I want to do so.


  22. temperature,

    I think you are referring to Pascal's Wager.

    We are on the same page here :)

    If God exists, make a guess how he would treat "fake" believers like Pascal?

    I guess Pascal didn't read that part from the Sermon on the Mount regarding true and false prophets, and about true and false disciples ;)

    My Buddhist teacher also likes to make fun of those so called "Buddhists" who like to "bargain and negotiate" with Buddha. If you help me this, I'll return you that... So clever! Bribing Buddha!


    For non-believers, Pascal's logic is like those Singaporeans who queue when others queue. Queue for what also don't know!? But never mind. The loss is minimal what? No harm queuing just in case got good lobang! Fear of missing out ;)


    Pascal is probably smarter than us both. And defintely more famous! French philosopher some more!

    That didn't stop us from making fun and poking holes in his thesis ;)

    You are not a sheep. Don't pretend.

    You're fox!

    ITE to private property owner.

    Defintely got some carnivore instincts in you ;)

  23. Hi Temperament,

    The most important thing is that the couple must be true to each other. Trust will sustain the marriage. Your style of think straight and talk straight, is a taboo in the office politics. One will have to maintain a pseude front in order to survive and climb the corporate ladder on a long run. I cannnot sustain such run for long. As such, I tend to show my true self in the office and this has limited my progress up the corporate ladder. I circumvent it by moving to a new firm a couple of years. However, I know that I cannot maintain such move on a long term basis. At least, my three moves has enabled me to increase my remuneration along the process and I managed to save a significiant stash to enable me to have the option to call it a day if the need arises.

    It's better to stay true by displaying the real self.


    1. Hi Temperament,

      I guess that it's different stroke per different people. All roads lead to Rome and it is the matter of the duration which is secondary.

      You are right. We must be happy in our decisions. The sense of fulfillment and accomplishment will go to a great extent in adding postive aura in our lives.


  24. temperament,

    Same reason you typed "one" instead of "want" ;)

    You don't say I don't even know!?

    You guys are quite chatty today or what!?

    I have a hard time catching up!

    Shoot first, then aim?


  25. temperament,

    We can't be good in everything.

    Corporate games are not for you.

    One door closes; another one opens.

    Life has been kind to us. Let's hope it continues!

  26. temperament,

    Your wife is a smart woman ;)

    She married you.

    That's why I tell women to stay clear of misers and giam siap guis. Especially men who think women are "wealth destruction".

    No way these men will allow their wives to have joint access to their net worth :(

    Anyone and everyone can say "trust". But to "deliver" trust, how many can do it?

    When husband and wife have joint banking accounts, the cash flow statements will reveal what each partner is up to ;)

    Trust but verify!

  27. temperament,

    I buy you kopi!

    Long time anyone called me "young man" :)

    Everyone now calls me "uncle" this, "uncle" that. Cannot tahan :(

    Ya lor. Don't know where he disappear to!?

    coconut is like the dragon whom we can see the tail but not the head.

    Of course I miss him!

    He is the few full time trader I can exchange pointers with.

    Part-time "tikam tikam" trading is not the same.

    You and coconut do have something in common.

    With you both, I can "talk male-chicken" high up in the heavens about the cosmos, and all the way down to what we do behind closed doors in the fiery pits ;)


  28. Wow!!! More than 100 comments lei... So many topic can talk here :)


    1. sy sy,

      No meaning or logic one right?

      To think I just wrote 2 lines in Chinese...

      To think in school, teachers always reprimand me and even wrote in my report book I too talkative!

      I guess for blogging, "ai gong wei" is an asset?


      Damn! I should have tried to be an emcee or DJ. Can talk for a living!

    2. temperament,

      "Wah lao eh"!

      Come to my watering hole but asks for coconut?

      Lucky I not woman! If not, I don't "hue" you!


      "JIE KE!"

      Your regular asking for you ;)

      P.S. Boys and men out there, don't you dare talk like that to your girlfriends or wives. Where's you other cute friend? I miss her...

      Hello! Wait sure kenna kneel on bottle caps!


    3. temperament,

      You go read your own comment again lah! Its present tense "miss".


      I'm just helping you to draw coconut out.

      If he doesn't respond, confirm he's too busy trading his brains out to bother reading our comments ;)


  29. Hi,

    It's the matter of time when coconut will surface. Let fate decide the moment. If he/she appears, it is destiny. If not, time will wait for those who are patient.


    1. Ben,

      There is a time for letting fate take its own course.

      Then there are times when its much easier just to SHOUT!

      We used to stay at the 2nd storey at Stirling Road. I often played at the void deck below with my neighbourhood kakis.

      When its time for lunch, mom would scream her lungs out at the kitchen window looking for me.


      I'll scramble home quickly if I want to avoid a beating!

      Mom definitely don't practice, "Oh! He'll come home when he's hungry."


  30. Smol,

    Nice anology. I believe your mlm would have stopped the shouting after a few round. You would be conditioned to come back when the time is up.


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