
Friday, 27 July 2018

I almost joined the Life Insurance Industry

You may want to read the below post first for the backstory:

Are Top Salesperson Born or Trained

I was offered the job as Recruiter for life insurance salespersons on the spot. Yeah, just like that!

What the hell is a Recruiter?

Well, I am supposed to recruit, train, and motivate the sales agents for the agency. Its leveraging on OPT - Other People's Time/Talent.

Every policy they sell for us, I get a cut of their commissions. Sounds familiar? Yes, its a bit like multi-level marketing. Wink.

I guess the agency boss is not interested or have no time to do this cheerleading work; he prefers to outsource it to specialists like me.

At that time, I'm a management trainee at Robinsons. After so many years on the selling floor, they wanted to make me a buyer. Its like sending a Sergeant to Officer Cadet School (OCS).

I was exploring my options. 

As since I'm not desperate, I decide to find out more about the job before saying yes.

The "pui nei nei" interviewer turned out to be holding the current job of Recruiter in the agency.

He was kind enough to invite me to his office and offered me coffee as I blasted him with my "trust but verify" questions.

Right off the bat, I challenged him if the job of Recruiter was so great, why is he leaving then?

He is 28 years young. Teochew like me. Got his MBA from Canada. He liked life in Canada so much that he decides to emigrate there after returning to Singapore.

Fair enough.

Now comes the interesting bits.

When he recruits an insurance agent, straightaway he and the agency will make money.

Well, don't you think you need a life insurance policy yourself before you sell to others?

Even if you already have an existing policy, your first customer would likely be your own immediate family members right? Next would be relatives, classmates, existing and ex colleagues, etc.

"Smelly, smelly", the agency would gain at least one policy sale the moment someone decides to join them. (Yes, smells like MLM again!)

Where got people interested to help you become a millionaire (that time the phrase financial free not fashionable yet) if they don't benefit from "helping" you? 

There is very little costs to the agency. Its pure commissions remember? Office space is shared. And name cards and promotional materials you can order from the agency. 

The main cost is him doing cheerleading, "If you think you can, you can!"

Only 1 out of 10 agents he recruited will survive the first 2 years. (Same odds as trading!)

The first wave of resignations is around the 6 months mark. After you ran out of "pity fxxk" sales from your supportive relatives and friends, that's when you discover you can't sell shit. Even if you life depended on it!

Sales is meritocratic. Who wants to go to work and be reminded everyday they are F9 (lowest grade in school)?

The next wave of big resignations will be at the 2 years milestone. These are the better ones who can make cold calls and sell to complete strangers without relying on relatives and friends after 6 months.

The trouble is they are not million-dollar-round-table calibre.

80% of sales commissions is earned by 1 out of 10 sales agents. The remaining 20% is shared between the rest of the 9 if you think you can, you can...

Why do people want to become an insurance sales agent in the first place?

Tip: Its the same reason why you got interested in investing or trading. 

After 2 years, with little results to show, add to the mix burned weekends and evenings, the harsh realities of what it takes to make your first million from insurance sales has become a lot more crystal.

That's when an office job with regular salary becomes quite attractive. And like someone just said recently, can even "coast along" too!

With life insurance sales, how to relax? No kill; no meat.

I and the "pui nei nei" talked the whole afternoon. Learned a lot about the industry.

I passed on the job offer.

I can't treat people like that. 

I quit midway through my management trainee program at Robinsons too. I went to IMM to sell sofas with Melandas. 

Yup, I passed on the buyer position too. In retail, to become a buyer is like an uniformed cop becoming CID. What's meant to be, will be. I did become a buyer some years later. 

What we are today is the result of past decisions we have or have not made.

No, its not only about goals or plans. 

I'll throw a bone to younger readers. Find out who makes more. Decision makers or those who come up with goals and plans. Wink.


  1. If you ever write a book like Lorna or Hooi Ling, I promise that I'll order 5 copies and organise a giveaway on my blog!

    1. Kevin,

      Hey! I remember now! You are the few out there who organise giveaways ;)

      Don't hold your breath. It won't happen anytime soon.

      However, when the time comes when I have lots of long evenings with nothing to do, I'll probably write something.

      I've discovered its so easy to do "self publishing". There are a few websites that offer FREE e-book publishing ;)

      No wonder there are so many e-books out there...


  2. Curious when u chit chat for so long, and u pass 9n the offer, is he pissed

    1. Sillyinvestor,

      Why would he?

      Would you be flattered when someone cared enough about craftsmanship to take the time to find out what you do; or would you be happier knowing the candidate is in it just for the money?

      Next time you got a promotion to another school, maybe it would be a good idea to ask the person you were replacing to have coffee ;)

      You don't want to arrive in the school only to find out 10 other persons have been burned out before!!!


    2. Hihi,

      The good thing is, I can wait for another boss, coming either next year or latest 1 more. Then move around again, if really cannot click

    3. Sillyinvestor,

      That's the reality of working for others.

      Young don't quite catch what they meant when they say, "Army is good; only people spoil it."

      Now I know.

      That's why in corporate world, even if we not ambitious, its still better to climb to higher tree branches as there are less pigeons that can shit on us ;)

    4. But must make sure the monkeys below the branch we perch do not make too much trouble. Haha.

    5. Rainbow girl,

      I wouldn't pay too much attention to those monkeys BELOW me; its those monkeys ABOVE me that trouble me more ;)

  3. What we are today is the result of past decisions we have made or have not made. This is so true. I myself have quite a story to tell about how I came to be who I am today. But let's just say that not everyone will be happy to be where I am today. It all boils down to whether one looks at current cashflow or present value of future discounted cashflow which is uncertain.

    1. Macroanalyst,

      One of my siblings used to temp as a payroll clerk at a local brokerage during school vacations.

      Imagine knowing some remisiers earn less than $1K per month... OK, that's more than 30 years back, but still!

      One of my favourite hedge fund manager is Stanley Druckenmiller. He had shared when he started out with his own fund, his receptionist was making more than him!


      A singer or actor is no different from an entrepreneur. Fans only sees the millions they are making when successful.

      But how many are willing to wait on tables while waiting for their "lucky break" to appear?

      Being in the fund management industry is "glamourous". That's provided you scale up quickly. Those boutique funds with less than $100 million in AUM are struggling or had closed shop oredi :(

      But somehow, to those peddling courses and paid subscriptions, investing couldn't be more easy! All you need is just 5 minutes a day! Look! No brains needed too!

      Anyone interested to chase after rainbows?

  4. Hi SMOL,

    Nice origin story. More of this kind please :)

    1. LP,

      I'm like woman. Must be in the "mood" first ;)

      I guess today all my hormones are aligned?


      You and me are "sama sama". We are story tellers :)

  5. SMOL,

    Afterall, it's just a game. It is the matter whether one wants to take up the offer. My take is that this cannot be sustained for a long term. Make a lot and go off ASAP. Take ownership of own time and do the things he/she want after at most two decade of hard effort. Life is short. Enjoy the moments.


    1. Ben,

      Yup, its not sustainable.

      Those in their 50s can remember the classified ads 30 years ago were full of recruitments "promising" those who join the industry they can be "millionaires".

      Just pause and think how customers who were "sold" policies fit into their business model?

      The MLM like "abuse" went on until MAS decided to clamp down on the life insurance industry to remove the "excesses".

      That's where "certification" comes in. Want to sell life insurance? Must pass exams first!

      No more hiring of agents who have no clue what they were peddling ;)

      Of course the gap was filled by the real estate agencies now promising "bei kambings" they can be millionaires.

      After many complaints about unprofessional property agents, MAS wash, rinse, and repeat on the property industry with certification requirements too.

      That meant the days of primary school leavers selling life insurance policies and properties were over :(

      MLM took over. Then options trading. Followed by trading just 5 minutes a day. Now it seems to be "value investing".

      Every generation, there will be flavour of the decade to cater to those who believe in dreams that others planted in their heads...

  6. Good good. You delivered your promise. Said will wash toilet, really got honour your words! LOL.

    Life will turn out the way it is meant to be. Que Sera Sera. ;)

    Those who snake-oil '人定胜天' simply know how to milk the power of hope.

    '事在人为'靠的是铁棒磨成针的毅力和真本事. If one hasn't walked the path, there is no moral authority to teach others. So can only snake-oil lor.

    Anyway, it's buyers beware. When things go wrong, those who cry foul just got what they deserved. There's a dear price to pay for greed and ignorance.

    1. Endrene,

      Maybe its age or male menopause; I've noticed I'm becoming more "gu niang" with each passing year.

      Do things nowadays must have the mood and feelings first... Eh?

      I think I must ask doctor for testosterone shots during my next visit!

      Only in the investment and financial advisory/education industry will we find "bei kambings" who drive willing to pay for advice from those who take public transport.

      Or those who drive Mercedes or BMW taking counsel from those who drive KIA or Chery...

      That's why I prefer to mix with you people here who are smarter, faster, and stronger than me!

      If not how to steal with pride?

