
Thursday, 10 May 2018

Well, that's regime change for you!

It happened to Japan. 

Although after trying change, it quickly went back to the tried and tested - same old, same old. 

It happend to Taiwan too. 

Flip flop like roti prata. Very messy; but all so very entertaining!

But did anything changed for the better? 

It happened to Myanmar also.

And then its heard no more... (Strange or not?)

Someone in America did promise change. Yes we can!

He is considered black by the world, but in Singapore he would be considered "white".

(Its better to be the one who writes the rules, no?)

Now someone with funny hair has taken over from him and undoing all the previous "yes we can" changes...

Well, that's "democracy" for you!

60 years not a short time. Now its history...

In politics, there are no permanent friends; and there are no permanent enemies.

Former mentor and protege had become enemies, and now back into an alliance together.

It would be interesting to see promises made when there were a common enemy will be honoured once the common enemy is no more...

And if the promise is honoured, talk about success is what we have to sacrifice to achieve it!

All those years in and out of prison...


I'll bet someone is taking notes. 

Next time want to appoint just appoint. Let's not get into that farce ever again... 

Anyone with half a brain all knew what you were up to. It's like trying to hide a balding head with comb over - who's kidding who?

We certainly are living in interesting times!

With so many regime changes in recent years...

Its almost like in the 60s where former colonial countries broke away and became fully independent sovereign states who can finally chart their own destinies.


  1. I'm tempted to make a punt on M'sia ETF on NYSE ... woke up too late this morning to buy ... Anyway the 2 days PH will make it even more volatile/exciting! :)

    On a similar note, if you really believe that SG has reached that stage of economic maturity & strong fundamental foundations, then you'll want a similar happening here too ... Buy when there's blood on the streets! Hohoho!!!

    1. Spur,

      I'm a nano landowner hor.

      Please no blood on the streets; I'll get hurt too.

      Having said that, a few cycles once every 5-7 years would be good enough for my heart ;)

  2. Hi SMOL,

    I'm just talking to my wife regarding this. In politics, there are no permanent enemies and permanent friends. There's only permanent self interest haha

    Interesting times we're living in indeed.

    1. LP,

      Brexit, Trump, the rise of nationalism in Europe, North Korea's about turn after its recent belligerence, military coup in Thailand, Syria being used as the proxy battleground by its neighbours, and Presidents sent to prison in South Korea and Taiwan...

      On this regard, Singapore is boring...

      And boring is GOOD!

  3. I think before this week, our neighbors up there are also thinking that it won't happen in their country. Things is impossible to happen when it haven't happened before, until it happened.

  4. I think same old same old will persist. Promises made between mentor and protege will probably amount to nothing. One might end up back in prison, the other will continue to make his past mistakes.

    1. chewyc,

      That would be so sad...

      When a person is 92, what's there more to fight for?

      Fame? Wealth? Power?

      They are ephemeral when we are near our last days...

      I would suspect one would prefer to focus on leaving a good name or legacy behind.

      Right the "wrongs" done in the past...

      But then you could be right. Leopards don't change their spots?

      Anyway, I wish our Malaysian neighbours well.

      A prosperous, peaceful, and harmonious Malaysia is always good for Singapore.

      We are more than neighbours. We are joined by blood and marriage.

    2. temperament,

      Exactly. Why take the trouble and suffer the slings and arrows for coming back?

      He is definitely not one of those who just cares about passive income happy oredi...

      He definitely has a reason for getting up in the mornings!

  5. LP and temperament,

    I think a break away from the ruling party - like in Japan, Taiwan, and Malaysia - would be the most likely scenario I can think off.

    We already have some individual breakaways over the years, but that's not anything to speak of until a band of cadres start to form a new party similar to how the Barisan Socialis broke away from PAP ;)


  6. temperament,

    Then I will do my duty as a citizen and go Hong Lim Park to shout, "Bershih!"

    Nothing unites everyone across racial, religious, social, and cultural divisions than a common catalyst!

    Never take for granted what we have achieved. Low corruption does not mean no corruption.

    There's a reason why MAS clamped down so hard on banks and those individuals involved with the 1MDB scandal.

    And there's the Keppel fine for bribery involving projects with Brazil (not small amounts OK)...

    Not to forget the past corruption cases involving Principals, religious leaders, CEOs, etc.

    Human nature.

    When in power, its tempting to take 1% from the cookie jar and think, "Who would notice?"

  7. temperament,

    Cost of living is important, but manageable when we still have our jobs.

    Its when investors don't come to open new factories, hotels, or offices, then we'll have a problem.

    When new graduates from our universities and polytechnics can only get jobs as security guards, nothing is more flammable than educated youths with lots of free time on their hands...

    Your time what's the percentage of your cohort tertiary educated?

    Want to make a guess what's the percentage now? Talk about inflation of people with papers!

    We now have people making $10K per month "upset" with those who earn $20-30K per month...

    What happens when that $10K person lost his job?

  8. Uncle Temperament and SMOL,

    The 黄左 is a nascent force that is to be reckoned with in the future. The way they deliver pathos in their speeches are not to be trifled with.

  9. Unintelligent Nerd,

    I wanted to put the definition of 白左 here for the sake of other readers but decided otherwise.

    Interested readers can google it themselves.

    Technically, there are no 黄左 here.

    What we have are "banana" 白左; you have to be educated in the West to be infected ;)

    It could be difficult for them to thrive here in numbers...

    Singaporeans are too "practical".

    We study hard so as to get a good job; not what interests us intellectually.

    At work we strive to gain promotions for power and money.

    Or we strike out to build our own businesses for even more power and money!

    And if we can't do well in career or entrepreneurship, we say we want FIRE (to escape)!

    Its all revolves around MONEY. Its still the same rat race! Same wine; different bottles.

    Just take Minimalism. Instead of treating it as a visual arts movement, we overlay it with dollars and cents to mean "savings", "frugalism", or anything just to avoid saying we are too cheap to pay for things!

    No, a few years no job you see who will fight for "causes" in Singapore!

  10. Hi SMOL,

    There are two types.

    The first are mere adopters of the brainchild of the second type. They are ripe pickings for the latter as the latter knows they have a heart for others which could be easily exploited.

    The latter belongs to the bourgeois. How could people not agree with their words, especially so when their words are couched in such a way that mere disagreement paints the dissenter as a monster? Look at what they do, not what they say. Their words are a backhanded slap to others.

    To the latter, the former are just useful idiots, vessels to promulgate their idea. If their foot soldiers die from adhering to their ideals, so be it. After all, they have connections and income support.

    Some foot soldiers I have come across even took their parents' retirement funds for causes.

    Shhhhhh. Must 瞒天过海. Not good if their masters turn them on "evil capitalists."

  11. Unintelligent Nerd,

    Landowners, shepherds, and sheep.

    Lucky I'm a cat ;)

    Easy to tell who are sheep. They like to, "Yalor, yalor!"

