
Monday, 11 September 2017

You fill in the blanks - anything!


  1. You also give mei mei blank cheque like that?

    1. CW,

      Blank cheque cannot; supplement credit card can (got credit limit mah).


  2. 年轻就是一张白纸 :D

    1. Kevin,

      The wonders of a blank slate!

      Many are uncomfortable with "space". Can't leave it alone.

      Just look at our storage spaces. How quickly they fill-up! Its almost as if we don't "chope" early, others will get the space ahead of us!?

      From young, we have been conditioned to fear blank sheets... We get mocked and punished :(

      Yet artists and architects don't fear blank spaces ;)

      Evidently you are not annoyed at a blank post.

      You see possibilities and potentials!

      And that's YOUTH :)

  3. temperament,

    I would say too honest is a sign that person needs to work on his EQ ;)

  4. SMOL,

    It's an open-ended space you want us to fill in. Plenty of stuffs to talk about. Like Mei Mei, Housing, Financial Independence, Insurance, Sales Talks etc.

    Spoil for choices!


  5. temperament,

    Which landowner wants to hire a shepherd who is dishonest?

    You didn't share the whole story.

    You got the job; I bet you didn't get along well with your peers, your immediate shepherd, customers, suppliers...

    Yup, from my answer its clear I'm the fox ;)

    Its good to be alive!

    In the military, you don't want footsoldiers to think for themselves. You want them to follow orders.

    The thinking is left to the generals.

    Dogs will do well in military; cats sadly no :(


  6. temperament,

    You are right!

    That's why we have such diversity in floral and fauna :)

    Nothing is more sad than a penguin trying to emulate the soaring eagle in flight...

    Liberation starts from recognising and acceptance of WHO we are ;)

  7. Smol

    Is Chen Lei or Wang lei your idol?

    Random shoot.

    1. Small Time Investor,

      I do watch getai and listen to Hokkien songs.

      I have no "idols" but I do respect and admire Taiwan's Jacky Wu.

      Love his quick wit and impromtu wise cracks!

      And of course his resiliience after multiple business failures and attacks from the media.

      He is one cool guy :)

    2. Yes Smol, when jacky wu gets serious, also no joke. Irl, he is no different from us. Heh

  8. His resilence is the characteristic which we can adopt.


    1. Ben,

      Life is about resilience.

      Singapore got kicked out of Malaysia in 1965 - resilience.

      The British military said best of luck to us in 1971 - resilience.

      We survived multiple economic crisis - resilience.

      How we responded to SARS - resilience.

      At the individual level, I've seen friends and colleagues crumble and never got up again...

      Then again, there are individuals who came from more humble background than me, got the worst cards of the deck, yet I see them zoom past me to be so highly successful in their chosen craft that I have no time for envy or jealousy...

      As investors/traders, how many of us are resilient? Cannot be everyone and anyone right?
