
Wednesday, 27 September 2017

How to Gripe and Complain to your Boss


  1. SMOL,

    Hahahahahahahah, Didn't remember this part of the show.

    Shucks.... We gripe all the time muhahahhahahahaha

    Its ok to gripe to your peers, when you no longer want to climb and have options

    Its ok to gripe to your subordinates when you want them to go against the "other side"

    1. Sillyinvestor,

      Turning down promotion offers made to you is not the same as telling everyone you not interested to get promoted when you were not even considered in the first place.

  2. Before you fire at me,

    My understanding doesn't equate my playing the games ok LOL

    1. Sillyinvestor,

      I listen to what you DO; not what you SAY ;)

  3. temperament,

    Charismatic people who can make people from all walks of life at ease and warm up to them are not the same as sychopants.

    That's why I was poking you and the fisherman at the mei-mei blog.

    Young people don't praise them too much just for showing up. Got actual concrete results then praise mah!

    Wait their heads get too big! May hinder more than helping.

    Quit to achieve is not the same as quit to escape ;)

  4. temperament,

    More than 1 person you'll get office politics.

    Got people; got 江湖。

    If I am a business owner, I would want a corporate culture where everyone focus on helping me EARN more and SAVE more ;)


  5. Hi smol

    Just want to share my experience.
    Maybe i am wrong. Normally will have a lot gossip when have more than 1 female in the office.
    I prefer working environment that dont have much lady. So i cant really do office lady kind of work.
    Too much gossip & a lot gangs... and i also kind of straight forward type of people... sometimes unintentionally said something too fast or say wrongly then offended 1 girl. Then endup offended the whole gang of that girls...
    Sometimes i never say anything also kana tikam 1...
    Really bad luck or maybe in cantonese people say "样衰"... sigh...

    And i ever talk loud to my boss also... hahaha... too hot temper... blood boiled too fast... mark black black liao... hahaha


    1. sy sy,


      We should swap places ;)

      I in touch with my feminine side, you are clearly in touch with your masculine side!

      Guys will like your company ;)

      You are like their 哥们!

      Men have no clue how "vicious" girl gangs can be...

      I'm lucky. I'm INFP, but with a flip of the switch, I can be ENFP - everyone is comfortable with a ENFP!

    2. Hi smol
      I forgot my personality type... only remember i am those more towards unflexible, straight, boring kind of people...hehehe

      U are that kind if people are more people oriented 1 if i am not wrong. U easy to talk to others & easily be friend with others. U can be very good friend to girls gang!!! Good to u lah...

      Me really can not... i rather work with guys... more straight forward, although also have guys like to gossip also but much less impact since i am not strong compete with them and i also kana mark black black by my boss liao... so i am no harm to their career... hahaha


    3. sy sy jie,

      We are what we are.

      We thrive in our own environments.

      Never mind women or men.

      Once you find your element in the markets, you can have as many 小鲜肉 as you want!


  6. Hi SMOL,

    I wholeheartedly agree with Sy. Have been in female-dominated fields my entire life. Non-verbal aggression can be more terrifying than their masculine counterpart.

    For the clueless ones (me included), the Manosphere really spoil market. It really helps delta males to decode and read between the lines.

    Now that I know, I still don on my delta male identity with pride. Certain "attention" is unnecessary. ;)

    1. Unintelligent Nerd,

      Hey! Its cool to be the rooster in the hen house!

      But then again, no :(

      Flirting can backfire if your incur the wrath of a girl scorned...

      And then your reputation will be totally ruined in the hen house!

      Unless you know the art of Divide and Conquer ;)

    2. Hi UN

      U either make good friend with girl gang or else u better be super low profile... hahaha
      Maybe smol can teach u some trick :)


  7. temperament,

    Calm down now...

    This is a watering hole; not a court of public opinion.

  8. SMOL,

    Sorry after reading, I can't help myself.

    From what I gather, office politics means "clinches/gangs"/ gossips/ "tripods" etc.

    Those are only humans. We all do it. I say I do it at various intensity. Bite me. There is no need to fret too much over it.

    Seriously, we are all taught to be careful. U know what, I can sense your defense mechanism from a mile away and I dun want to be near u. I can't sense your "real you". Why should be a "friend" to a appointment or a title. If u are not my friend, how can I "trust" u

    The key might be ourselves. Did we treat people the way we want them to treat us. And if they can't treat us the way we wanted, can we still see goodness in them and just be. Nice and cordial.

    Of course, I know of 高手,who disarm other defense mechanism and seem to be "armorless" but are actually quietly thinking.

    I am nice to these people too. But dun expect me to be anything more than just "nice" because my defense mechanism will be up 10 folds with these people around.

    Next, when people do injustice to u. If possible, just forgive la. Who in pain. Yourself only lor

    1. Sillyinvestor,

      People who complain about office politics are either the "victims" or from "losing faction".

      If you were from the winning faction, would you complain? You would be thinking, "What office politics?"

      I like your "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" comment above ;)

  9. At the end of day, personally, I spend so much time at work, I want to enjoy the company of my work.

    Seriously, I know of people 前拍狼後怕虎, everything also scare to say, afraid to offend people. It's not what u say, it's how u say it.

    The captain in saving private Ryan, lol. You think his "message" is lost? Dun think your bosses are stupid lei

    1. Sillyinvestor,

      How we see "office politics" may depend on whether we see ourselves as land owners, shepherds, or sheep.

      I don't know how it started (maybe its in my DNA), but since my early days I've always seen things from the perspective of land owner.

      You and I know our 春秋战国 and 三国 ;)

  10. For those wish to advance your career development ...

    Read? Our Bosses Are Always Right???

  11. temperament,

    Have you thought for a moment your wife is the strong one?

    She bears the slings and arrows outside so that you can be spared the harshness of working life?

    I focus on taking care of myself first. If I'm not strong and healthy, how can I take care of my loves ones?

  12. temperament,

    Life is a series of decision points.

    You have made a decision. Your wife did too. So has her boss.

    Would you be happier if you wife got retrenched?

    Would your wife be happier in another company earning 1/2 her current pay?

    Would you and your wife be happier if she takes early retirement so you both can spend more time together?

    Who knows? Decisions, decisions...

    That's why the majority of people are seeking "financial freedom" to escape...

    You think why we see long queues of Singaporeans when there's Toto Cascade draw?

    I can cheekily tell you to downgrade to HDB 3 room and be debt free plus your wife don't have to work another day again!

    Or relocate to JB.

    But you won't.

    The Nail Don't Hurt Enough Yet


  13. I realized that at managerial level, office politics are just plain annoying. My staff tells me she wanna quit because of the 'politics', what can I say? Erm I can't possibly tell her 'just get used to it, no matter where you go will also kena one' right?

    Being a boss or manager, whatever gossips you hear, 听听就好。

    1. Rainbow girl,

      You are wise to the game!

      The person who complains or spread the gossip to you just want you to "fight" their battles for them...

      They smart; you not stupid ;)
