
Friday, 8 May 2015

Patience and Attitude


  1. That is how I treat ToTo.

    Patience. Then Attitude is what will define me after striking Jackpot.


    1. CW,

      Well, you have proven it with your 10 baggers that you have the patience sit tight for the big long term moves ;)

      Yeah! If you after striking Toto ignore me, than that's very stuck up!


      P.S. Must buy me a drink hor!

  2. Hi SMOL,

    Ah, I saw this on facebook too :) Agree, thought I would prefer to see that patience and attitude is important when we have nothing and when we have everything ;)

    1. LP,

      Just to have fun with words, we ideally should not have an attitude - whether rich or poor ;)

      Of course. a good attitude towards life and our fellow men is always welcomed :)

  3. Now I have nothing... patience in test lol!!!

    1. B,

      Actually you are quite right!

      When I leave, I'll even have to leave my body behind... It's just a vessel I'll have to ditch when I reach the other side of the river... I definitely have patience!!! I'll let others overtake me if they so wishes ;)

      I must say I do get a bit envious when I see your Facebook pic of you and your child with wife ;)

      You are very balanced!

  4. I have found that attitude is also influenced by that said patience, having nothing for a long time has made me grateful for whatever things I find I now have. People who never had their patience tested (i.e. they got their "everything" quickly and without hard work) tend to have the shittiest characters and attitudes.

    1. ladykiller,

      Reminds me of women we can "get" easily we treat them callously.

      My career did not take off until the mid 30s - now its the age some of the youth wishes to hit their financial freedom target and retire...

  5. I think upbringing and temperament of a person does affect a person's attitude and patience. This is through my observation of people around me. It doesn't mean a person won't or can't change but whether he/she has any impetus to change.

    1. Joyce,

      Yes. How we were brought up at home and what values we learnt at schools do have meaningful impact on our lives.

      That said, I would place a greater weight over personal responsibility.

      It's to prevent me from "blaming" society or the world at large for my actions. That's a cop out.


  6. Hi SMOL,

    I remember some yrs ago I doing a review w my boss from Europe. In my weakness, I indicate Impatient! He said "that is a strength!" LOL

    But wat if u continue to have nothing even though u r patient? Then resign to fate! haha.

    Now, older I agree that we need to be patient. But while be patient, you maybe add some of Napolean Hill's teaching below while you be patient :

    1. Desire 2. Faith 3. Autosuggestion 4. Specialized Knowledge 5. Imagination 6. Organized Planning 7. Decision 8. Persistence 9. Power of the Master Mind 10. The Mystery of Sex Transmutation 11. The Subconscious Mind 12. The Brain 13. The Sixth Sense.

    1. Rolf,

      During interviews, when asked what's my biggest weakness, I always say impatience ;)

      Shepherds and land owners like people with sense of urgency! Last thing they want is sheep with "tida apa" attitude ;)

      I'm so full of it!

      I'm totally a different person during my corporate days. When boss say jump, I don't ask why? I ask how high?

      Score points like nobody business!


      Ah! I see you are a fan of Napolean Hill ;)

      Good stuffs! That's until I read the part on Mystery of Sex Transmutation... And I go hmm... What a bummer!

      Ha ha!

  7. Haha! Corporate politics player! But inevitable.

    Not an avid fans, but u have to give it to him that his ideologies last for a long time and still very much applicable!

    Sex transmutation... The most important pt, glad you noticed it!
