
Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Life is not a straight line extrapolation

Successful in career, eat healthy, exercise regularly - what can go wrong?

Well, you may want to read the story of CEO of SAP Indian Subcontinent Ranjan Das below. Just click on the picture.

Success if what you have to sacrifice to achieve it.

In Ranjan Das's case, its his sleep.

You may want to pause and reflect what's yours?




  1. nonsense!

    you don't die becos of lack of sleep! your body will automatic protect you from lack of sleep la!

    why he die, i will explain later, very busy now haha...

    1. read this you will understand,

    2. and this..

    3. that report was artelly nonsense!

    4. coconut,

      Everything in moderation. Middle path.

      Too much of a good thing is never good.

      To hone my craft in Trading, there are things that I have to "sacrifice".

      I'm sure you have yours ;)

      Just like those who have to forgo "something" to reach their milestones to Financial Freedom.

      This post is not about sleep or exercise ;)

    5. middle path i like, i also like balance.

      not sure i sacrifice anything, i certainly don't feel it at all. i'm pretty self center guy and i think you know it by now but never say right?

      what watch movie la, shopping la, tour la, makan la, i totally no interest at all.

    6. coconut,

      Of course you don't see it as a sacrifice; you are doing what you love!

      You married with children right?

      Well, I think you were smart enough to accompany your wife on vacations ;)

  2. like that many people in singapore and HK die young lor!

    1. Jimmy L,

      Most people do not achieve their goals and dreams due to lack of dedication and commitment to their craft.

      However, too much single-mindedness focus of one's dedication and over commitment can also lead to regrets...

    2. i rather put it this way, most people got the wrong goals and dreams cos they never follow their calling.

    3. coconut,

      Financial freedom is just a tool or enabler.

      Without knowing our ikigai or what we really want in life, financial goals are mere masks to hide the emptiness in our hearts....

    4. if we achieved FF, maybe die younger because no more goal in life haha

  3. Have some goals and plan for our vacations. Research shows that planning for vacations can make us happy and enjoy the NOW.

  4. I like your title of this post. Life is never a straight line extrapolation. Can plan for financial freedom all we want and the next day, game over.

    1. No game over. Just that someone else takeover and help to spend it.

    2. SRSI,

      Balance. Can plan for the future, but must also live in the here and now.

      Some are investing or trading to escape. Hoping once they achieved financial freedom, can quit the jobs they are hating today....

      Doing something you like NOW (making do with less), and with a healthy mental outlook, won't our investing/trading journey be more bountiful?

      Investing/trading with fear or anger is a big minus.

  5. Our money cannot disappear on its own. It is just transfer out to someone else.

    1. CW,

      Just as long we have our wills in order, it's cool.

      If not, if left to Big Daddy to decide, some of our money may go to those we don't like :(

  6. Now he has plenty of time to sleep... haha

    1. I watch a TV serial many years ago.. call 创世纪. the lead actor is 罗嘉良. he always sleep very little and work a lot. then a guy ask him why.. he said "why sleep so much, when u die, u can sleep as much as u like!"...

      do not get me wrong, I love sleeping just that sometimes I sleep late and wake up late..

    2. Rolf,

      Ah! The go-getters...

      Sleep (or down time) is sacrificed as every waking moment must be productive and working towards a certain "goal".

      Even "play" has to be competitive and got goals one...

  7. temperament,

    At our end of days, its the decisions, or decisions not made, that define our lives as we look back.

    No one ever says I should have planned this or set this goal or that. Our regrets are always defined as what we should have done or should not have done...

  8. CW,

    No need research to tell us.

    Some enjoy travelling; some don't.

    Just go. Enjoy. Come back.

    And we'll know ;)

  9. Hi SMOL,

    Life is planned in a straight line, but lived in jagged lines ;)

    1. LP,

      Life, like in music, has its crescendos and diminuendos ;)

  10. Asking the dying. They regret about things that they should have done but not done or delay doing them till no chance to do now.

  11. temperament,

    I should have bought that stock!

    I should have bought more of this stock at that lower price!

    I should have taken partial profit when my stock was at $11...

    I should have sold sooner :(


  12. CW,

    Free, you go fishing.

    I go walk walk and if lucky, do some flirting with jie-jies along the way ;)

  13. Aiyah this businessman. Smart but not wise. Sleep is probably one of the last things one should sacrifice for "success". Can imagine how high his stress levels were before he KO. Still exercise so much plus stressful job.

    1. RetailTrader,

      But, but.. they say exercise got for you what?

      Some well known super achievers even say sleep are for losers...

      Remember our Basic Military Days? Never give us enough sleep... Draw rifle at 5 am!!!?? What the...

      And in field exercises, still got guard duty in the night...

      No wonder during BMT days, the moment we sit down we can "kun" liao....


  14. I enjoy traveling most when something doesn't go according to plan. Or I should say its those times that are most memorable. Got cheated at money changer, heavy rain on an outdoor day or just too tired to visit more museums are those events that I recall clearly.
    If everything according to plan, the trip is like a template. "Been there, done that" kind of feeling and soon forgotten.

  15. ckw-I99,

    I plan less during my travels after my "checking off itinerary" phase has worn off.

    Now I just plan my air-tickets and hostels. The rest I go by my "feeling".

    I travel to see people; not things ;)

    Yup, the most memorable trips are those when I encountered interesting people along the way! (Like me meeting the HK Man of Leisure in Warsaw)
