
Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Life is about Balance


  1. Hi Smol

    Super post.

    Many of us tend to only look at the positive of one side without considering the negative of the other side.

    Some people are kind but when someone abuse them they repay this abuses twice the amount.

    1. B,

      We don't want to be cynical (that's a sad outlook on life); but a healthy does of skepticism can prevent us from getting hurt.

      Always trust but verify.

      Contented is good; not if it's just an excuse.

      Financial freedom if abused, is just another fancy word for unbridled greed.

  2. Hi SMOL,
    Just one picture also invite comments! Mouth open again.
    Agree that life is about balance.
    The other day, was just talking about this balance topics with my family. What a coincidence!


    1. Rolf,

      This time I'll help make your mouth wider::

      I think I hold the record for the shortest blog post in Singapore, some say JB, and Bataam too!

      No goals, no plans - therefore no artificial boundaries ;)


  3. Haha.... 高人!五体投地

  4. Hi SMOL,

    This hits me hard. I was kind but gullible, and I don't know how many times I've been cheated by strangers. Then I was angry and cynical, though I never went to the point of being cruel, I was unkind. After a much longer time, I think I'm now at stage where I'm more at peace.

    That sweet spot where you're neither kind enough to be taken adv of, and unkind enough to say no to everyone...that requires much wisdom and life experience. But this experience taught me not to be guilt tripped to make a commitment that I feel is not right for me.

    I'm still learning how to read pple better. My wife is so much better than this than me. I've much to learn :)

    1. LP,

      I smile politely and say NO to those rude tissue paper sellers who just plonk their tissues on the hawker centre table - no words nor smile - just with a stare to guilt me into buying just because of who they are.

      Sorry. I respond better to a genuine toothless smile and a cheery "It's a good day isn't it?" greeting.

    2. i know they are scam, but i purposely let them scam me, after all its just a tissue paper.

    3. there is this old lady selling 4D and tissue at serangoon well after midnight. whoever is the sucker among us that night will have to pay $10 or 5$ for a tissue from her on top of the supper haha...

    4. coconut,

      Well, willing buyer; willing seller.

      Just as long you don't suffer from buyer's remorse, happy can oredi!

    5. no la, only me is the sucker from the market place.

    6. i know when to give but i also know when to take, so am i balance?

    7. coconut,

      You're a hustler!

      People, don't play billiard with money bets with coconut!

      Unless you are a better player trying to "trap" coconut ;)

    8. how good can a retired snooker player be? i 20 years never touch a que liao, very chicken one!

      one point 2 bucks?

    9. usually people who lost money in billiard saloon are the one that has very big ego. normal players just play for the fun of it.

      same can say about markets.

    10. coconut,

      That's why I never dare utter such statements like: "Market oversold."


  5. Hi SMOL,

    I noticed I'm now a tree planter LOL ;)

    1. LP,

      You are butterfly; what you do is tree planting ;)

  6. Where's the like button? ;)

  7. Life is easier to balance when u view life with abundance ...

    Content but never stop improving ! I like that.

    Has courage to change but also serenity to accept. :)

    Balance is the offset of all acting forces, and not the ignorance or absence of acting forces.

    Clinging to balance is unbalance in itself.

    1. Sillyinvestor,

      See? You have all the answers (knowledge).

      It's up to you whether you want to act them out (wisdom).

      Thinking is hard.

      The paradox is that thinking too hard messes us up even more....

  8. I feel so imbalanced. I should start practising to say "No" with a poker face.

    1. S-Reit System Investor,

      Have fun!

      When you have achieved that, try saying NO with a smile and with such tact that the person asking feels good about himself.

      I've been "complimented" by some super high EQ women who are so smooth in their rejection of my dating requests that I never felt my pride getting hurt....

      The best teachers in the art of saying NO are women ;)

  9. Nowadays, I realized no snake oil men/women approach me for insurance and CC on their roadshows.

    No more balance on the head indicating potential target. I think.

    1. CW,

      Go Chinatown OG and I think your ego will feel much better.

      You will be "approached".


    2. Not true.

      Poor looking Ah Pek is not a target too.

    3. CW,


      Christmas coming, time to buy some new threads lah!

      The best way to attract the attention of women is to let another women dress you up - ask your daughter to be your image consultant?

      Or maybe your wife is the smart one....

      Make sure you dress like that so you won't get "unwarranted" attention from the other butterflies?


  10. SMOL : So very true but we all know that it is impossible to strike a true balance, just mentally just need to accept imbalances, if any ;-)

    1. Richard,

      Au contraire!

      The simple act of walking upright on 2 legs may look simple and we often do it without consciousness, but it requires lots co-ordination between muscles and brain to maintain this "balance".

      Life would not be possible on Earth if we are a little too close or too far away from the Sun.

      When our body is not "balanced", we fall ill.

      Political strife happens when there are imbalances.

      Life and Nature all round us are all about balances and harmony.

      Balance is the natural state; imbalance is the transitory state ;)
