
Thursday, 28 November 2013

Wow! Your baby sooo small!


Girls, be nice now...



  1. look at the sky, there is a sperm swimming towards our sun, we gonna have a baby sun soon.

    1. can someone tickle the market please, looks like it is sleeping.
      oh and don't forget to wake me up too.

    2. if you interested about comets go to this web

      watching live as comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) go pass the sun, at about 1am s'pore time, go to,

    3. coconut,

      Tell me about it!

      That's why I went to Jurong East this afternoon to explore J-Cube and JEM.

      Hey, JEM quite interesting...

    4. whats J-cube/JEM, shopping mall?

      yap, staying late to view this comet's death dash into the sun (i think). i love cosmology, if i'm study and not get into trading, i know where i would be.

      tell you what, comet?

      3 things you should know about comet.

      1, it is the raw material of our solar system,
      2, it create lives on earth,
      3, it also cause mass extinction on earth.

    5. so to say that it is like sperm is not over stated. it did penaltrate the earth (in this case the egg) and wala, we were born.

      unfortunately (or fortunately) tonight this comet found the wrong egg.

    6. right now the most interesting subject about our solar system is this,

      we have a twin sun, yes and i too believe very likely it or we has! it is call namesis or something like that. it is not surprising cos most stars comes in pairs which obit each other in our milky way.

      our twin sun will come visit us every 26 million years and when it comes, we will be able to see it just like this comet ison.

      sound crazy?

    7. nothing! it finished even before it begins. not even breakup, its total evaporate!

      just like the market totally unpredictable, not even the pro scientist can.

    8. what you expect? a piece of icy object about 2 km going so close to the sun?

      personally i suspect becos it is from the oort cloud far away from the solar system, it content almost mainly water or other gas instead of solid material, unlike the other comet we seen before, so it evaporate before it reaches the sun.

    9. coconut,

      I went to the shopping mall to jalan jalan. Market I guess will be slow and boring until the taper on/taper off trade starts.

      Meanwhile, patience.

      No wonder you put comments here in the night. You were watching the comet last night.

      Hmm... Sperm and comet? Interesting!

      I like your analogy ;)

    10. haha, subject which need immagination seems to catch me well, in cosmology, solar system is my least interest, much things has been discovered. i'm more towards the stalla object.

    11. the main thing about cosmology is when you start putting numbers into these object, it blow your mind, it never seems to have a limit.

      for example that comet last night it was travelling at speed almost a million miles per hour when close to the sun. sound crazy but thats a very slow speed in cosmos term. (in relative term it is fast consider it size)

    12. coconut,

      Looking at the stars puts me in my place. We are just specks of dust, and our time here on earth is less than a blink of an eye.

    13. don't worry, when you put our sun in the milky way, it also looks like a dust, and you put our galaxy in the universe, it also seems to be a dust on and on....

      seems like size don't matter in cosmos. just compare someone or something next to you.

    14. oh forgot to add time as well. space time.

      that brings me to ask the question of whether is it harmful for being more knowledgable as an individual?

      as individual, it is! but as a human race, it is not. thats my thinking. does that surprises you? as though i'm saying, choose your pick, youself or the group?

  2. SMOL,
    You naughty boy!
    天 外 有 天.

    1. temperament,

      Can you remember the last time you let someone looked down your pants?


    2. yes i can, the doctor. few months back, checking for stone somewhere in my body.

      he even...... forget it!

    3. coconut,

      I better don't laugh... A few more years I will reach 50. Time to let people look down my pants and bend forward while they put on the latex gloves...

  3. coconut,
    A good answer.
    In this time of ours what is privacy or sacred anymore? i remember when we were in Primary School, all boys needed to be looked at by someone that resembles the kangaroo in the picture.
    Ha! Ha!
    Only SMOL escape lol.

    1. "cough cough!" say the doctor remember? haha

    2. temperament,

      Escape my foot!

      That's how they found out I sooo big!!! I dua lumpah? (Laugh all want)

      At 7 years old, had my hernia operation at Alexandra Hospital.

      Hey! When I returned, I got a colouring book from the teacher ;)

    3. 7 years old i'm still running naked le.

      remember how the teacher reward us when we score temperament? she will stick those pretty stars stickers right beside your marks, 3 stars if you got a hundred something like that haha.

      story books your head! thats the price for top placement in class or in school my friend!

  4. Ha! Ha!
    That's is why SMOL can think of this picture is actually not "funny".

  5. coconut,
    ya! i remember i got some books as gifts when i was 2nd in primary 5 or 6. i could never match the top in class. He was Just too much of a genius. Anyway we never think about competing with each other.
    But i remember i had some 100 marks in Arithmetics in primary 1 or 2.
    But i landed up in ITE (Considered a "dropouts" of the main stream leh).
    So what you say?

    1. i say early success does not mean you will succeed now, and

      current failure does not mean you are not going to succeed later!

      so success means able to ride the wave up and down, where up wave does not means succeed and down wave does not mean failure to you.

    2. this analog can apply to trading and investing journey as well.

      for a (successful) investor whom is almost fully invested, see bulls and bear market like watching people riding roller coster.

      and for trader who manage his risk through trades and positions, see his equity up and down a neccessary step towards higher ground.

      the investor watches the market up and down while the trader watches his own equity up and down (like a market movement) in the same manner while enjoying it.

    3. that brings me back to the question i ask (myself?) earlier, namely to choose yourself (no knowledge) or the society (knowledge)? choose wisely!

      so the answer is obvious isn't it?

      if you want to be a investor, choose knowledge or society, and
      (unfortunately) if you want to be a trader, choose self (no knowledge)!

    4. and hence human is the worst trader among all living being on earth.

    5. thats not an understatement, even i do make money pure trading and not investing, i still consider a poor trader if i compare to the other beings.

      instinctively, i cannot survive, not with the help of some machanical trading system that i have to follow strictly.

  6. Your view about investing and trading is very interesting. But surely trading has it's own specific rules, methods, aka knowledge also. Though it's a different kind for investors. But investors do make use of some trading rules or methods too.

    You say you depend on some mechanical trading system that you follow strictly to survive, in a sense this system must be based on or derived from some kind of knowledge from some people or person in the past.

    1. i never have great thoughts about rules in investing, but what i can tell you temperament is that the rules that applies to trading is such that it mirror the instinctive action of nature. yes we need to do the connection between markets (structure) and our trading system which is both nature based.

      as human, cos we lost most part of our survival instinct in evolution, we have to re-contruct it, hence our trading system development through trading trail and error.

      however, the animal (let say) survival instinct are mostly intact. they don't need to contruct it, or you can say their "trading system" are in-build inside them where they carry all the time in their lives.

    2. by the way, my trading system i "build" from scrap, from the ground up. i never copy at all.

    3. i know smol going to ask "so what are the connections"?

      if you obverse many things i say in here, as well as in this post, you will see the connections. i let you guess before i say it.

    4. All of sudden, without looking at the stars, I feel very small again...

      Efficient market my foot!

      天 外 有 天.

      Better pray temperament and coconut don't take the opposite side of my positions :(

    5. why you against efficient market theory mah? you know thats part of the working of nature.

    6. and if you look at market actions, there are times when the market is ranging then comes an external shock which bring the market to another place then the efficient theory will try and clam it again, like clock work.

      its part of and never the whole.

    7. ok times up!

      answer is "pattern recognition". not the pattern recognition chartist talk about but close to.

      it is to see things as similarity, simplicity, and better still be as one (of a kind).

      i'm not sure the ability to see pattern is inborn or can be train but i say its a born thing. my guess animal use that a hell lot for their survival but at the same time make them so stupid from our point of view.

    8. coconut,

      I am giving you and temperament a compliment.

      Market cannot be efficient when some knows (or is better) than others ;)

    9. thats true, not only knowledge wise, size wise and speed wise as well. unless there is a mutation among us.

    10. i place an order this early morning q at the last, until now my order of 20lots is the only remaining lot that is still offering at the current market price, that shows how quiet or few player are in the market today!

    11. so does a comet looks like a sperm to you? well you need some immagination to do that i think, but seem comes natural to me. the galaxy, the atom, right down to things on earth, there are a lot of similarity and they function, or more actuarately, their universal purpose are the same.

    12. haha so sorry about these lengthy comment of mine, don't blame me! the market is so quiet these few days and i'm a little frastrated. well a little more than a little.

      hope i share my inner view and some light in my trading, honestly and no hidding, thats how i view about trading and its very very tough to stay alive yet alone make money, you have to have that something and lots of hard work (my term interest).

      if you tikam, its not going to work for sure, you got to know how it works.

    13. "universal purpose"? i let you define yourself. why becos when we eat, some call enjoy, some call survive, some call cannabalism!

    14. just make sure is universal and not just apply to you but not others.

    15. coconut,

      Most welcomed to share your Mind stuffs here!

      I've outgrown yhe "what stocks to buy?" discussions. The Mind and Money Management discussions are more intellectually stimulating (no viagra needed)!

      I know. When market volatile, you will go AWOL. LOL!

      My sadness is that my trading "ba wu" not powderful as you; so sometimes can't comprehend 100% what you say... Be patient and gentle OK?

      But temperament can keep up with you - he "bucket-shop" veteran ;)

      However, when it comes to mo lei tau (无厘头) talking, I no problem with your dyslexia england!

  7. Ha! Ha!
    SMOL, you are being modest. You are doing quite well too.

    i think or i guess coconut is trying to tell us to stay alive or survive in the market, we have to have more animal instinct than human intelligence. If base on human logic alone (aka intelligence), we all die lone time ago.
    Or put it another way, all highly intelligent people will be in the market and no where else in the world.
    coconut if i am talking nuts then call me that "old toaddy coconut" lol.

  8. ya, guess no one is talking nonsense, thats includes me haha.

    is either we talk in human (applies to human only) terms or trading terms (applies to universal). i seems to like the later. and my mind is always tune in the later frequency and you can immagin i had a hard time interacting with people.

    1. 1) temperament,

      I pian jia pian jia; can survive happy oredi!

      2) coconut,

      See? temperament understands your england!

      We all have a hard time interacting with people.

      "Normal" people like us are different as in we know how to wear masks...

      At hawker centres when PAP MP comes, people shake hands (both hands some more!) and smile. MP leaves, the same wayang people will revert back to talk loud loud PAP kenna sia!

      Children says what they feel with no sugar coating. Sigh... I don't want to grow up!

      Shit! Now you are making me feel bad about myself.... I need a hug....

    2. Hi coconut,
      Ha! Ha!
      i agree.
      After almost coming to 3 decades in the market, i also tend to tune my mind frequency to the market in almost everything i do. So i don't have an easier time relating to people too.

    3. today market is better, slightly haha.

      yes man, children are born with many of our survival instinct still intact, then they were teach the art of survival in our society, art my foot! what we learn (mostly) is the crap of survival, totally distroying most of our little survival instinct we left.

      as a society, if we bound together no doubt we are strong, but as individual we are very weak indeed. and getting weaker!

      trading is an individual "game", with the king of mind set we brought up with, no chance at all.

    4. i wonder did you guys see the contrast between traders and investor?

      a good investor, one who consistently have returns year after year, they hardly trades at all, not that they don't trade ofcos.

      and a good trader, i refer to those who can make a living out of it and have a decent returns over their capital, hardly invest at all. ofcos there are times where investor want to trade and the trader want to invest, but these are exceptional times.

      so what is left behind are those in the middle, who's not too sure which way they are going or what role they are playing and they very often play both whichever comes easy.

  9. "a good investor, one who consistently have returns year after year,"
    i think whether Trader or Investor, it's very hard to have returns year after year. i guess WB cannot do it too; especially for investor. But UTD must have absolute return for all the years invested.

    1. oh i mean on average return over a long period of time, many years.

      right now i do monitor my performance since april last year. not a single losing month (good ah). but 3 months, december 2012, jan 2013 and last month, i almost break even.

      profit total $300k there about, almost cover half of what i lost in 2011.

    2. so technically speaking, i'm still in the red, or in drawdown phase.

    3. Now that's trading with real money!

      Not mickey mouse I made 2000% in 2 weeks... Yah, show me how you buy anything in percentages....

      Envy your brother. If I remisier, I would love to have client like you!

      Trade, baby trade!

    4. no man, most of my trading now is in CFD accounts, very little in my cash account with my brother.

      i still use once in a while though, feel bad of cutting him off haha.

      yes you are right, real performance should based on % vs capital. in this aspect, mine pretty low though. becos mine is a margin account, if i based on that, wow! its like 70% over 1 1/2 years, i want i want haha.

      my real performance over my capital is less than 8%! but i'm in very safe hand.

    5. coconut,

      How not to like such childlike honesty from you ;)

      Don't disturb you now. 4 O' clock closing now. Go back to work. Don't skive!

      I middle distance runner; I don't play opening and closing.

    6. i'm a... haha can't remember the name of it, the one that compete many events in olympic? something like 10 events...including 100,200m, high jump, long jump, disc throwing etc...

      i call myself all rounded trader, practicing hard on my long distance running!

  10. coconut,

    Traders are sprint short distance runners while investors are long distance runners.

    Each run their own race; capitalising on their born physical attributes that gave them an edge over others.

    Good athletes know its best to train against better opponents; but when it comes to real races, it better to compete with weaker athletes ;)

    Traders have their George Soros; investors have their Warren Buffet.

    Both win by taking the opposite side of weaker hands.

  11. YES!
    Absolute returns must be in the black YTD. If not oh dear who is going to keep on sponsoring me with $$$?

    1. And FYI coconut,
      Ha! Ha!
      I beg your pardon, i am also a "Chapalang" investor.

  12. there is an interesting topic on the net - Can your active investing (trading) skills be transferred to family members?

    my wife er forget it!

    i have 2 kids around 20 yo and still schooling, one in science and another music. they both show keen interest in what i do, probably they know its a nice way of making money. ofcos how i wish they can do what i am doing. how i wish i can teach them what i do for a living.

    but sadly no, not now and most likely not in the future. investment and especially trading skill, cannot be transfer from one person to another. no way!

    1. but ofcos if one is mad about trading and have the element of a good trader, he can learn much faster by learning from the more experience one, to cut shorter the learning curve so to speak.

      but again, the good element of trading has to be there first. its a born thing, cannot be teach.

    2. and i cannot elustrate enough what i mean "mad" about trading, can't use inspire or passion anymore!

      there is a test, if there is market open for trading anywhere around the world, is your mind thinking about trading (market) or some other things like shopping?!

      if you are thinking of something else other than trading, you are not mad enough!

    3. got newer post already? LC la!

    4. coconut,

      Sometime people worry too much.

      When I go, I go. I don''t look back.

      1st - women are stronger than men (they let us think we know more about money than them)

      2nd - children have their own lives to live. If I have to depend on my parents to survive when they're gone; bad parenting.

    5. children have their own life i agree, but everyone is different, a lot of children are weak nowadays and they do depends on their parent longer than compare to our generation.

      some, seems more handicap than others (ya we are all handicap ok) and have to depends on their parent throughout their lives.

  13. Ya, we all grown up in very difficult time(aka country was very poor time) And normal family at least have minimum 5 to 7 siblings. Some even more then a football team with reserves of 3 or 4 excluding the parents. No joke.
    So how can the children of today compare? 1-3 in a family. And we are so much richer now
    The children of our time were mostly all left to their own devices.
    But by hook or by crook most of us all somehow survive.

    1. Now now.

      Be nice to the young.

      I see it's more a generational gap thing than anything else.

      The young nowadays are better than us in one way - they are more entrepreneurial; more willing to take risks.

      Opposite the showroom I work during weekends, there a shop that's operated by a twenty something - selling handphone and iPad accessories.

      Now that's cool!
