
Thursday, 18 October 2012

A duck tries to fly?

Believe in yourself.
You may turn out to be a swan instead!

Keep walking.
Don't let others talk you into stopping.

Take a rest if you must.
Or change direction.

Just don't stop flapping those wings.
You are what you believe in!



  1. Replies
    1. CW,

      True. Duck can indeed fly like the swan.

      But to single out a flapper (young swan) who happens to be surrounded by ducklings as "different" is another ;)

    2. Of course, i always think you can or should open your ears to everyone. But keep your heart to yourself. If you don't believe in yourself then who can believe in you?

  2. what a minute! please define what is flying first. i can fly too you know haha.

    or do you suggest i flap my 2 arms and maybe one day, i can do it fast enough to take off?

    or... forget it haha.

    1. i think we ought to know who we are first before we start doing silly things.

      in this aspect, i think the duck knows better than us.

    2. so stop asking the duck to fly, they are not stupid haha.

    3. coconut,

      I soar with my mind; no arms needed (nor with any pharmaceutical enhancements).

      I was thinking about you when you were busy being a "tour guide" during these 2 weeks.

      I ask myself do you close your positions when busy with other stuff, or do you let them be? Then I saw you comment at FAT.

      I shorted the SIMSCI at 353.8 for Oct contract. Now the paper gains have offset my recent USD/JPY losses previously.

      Talk about keeping a clear head and not losing faith in myself.

      Training myself not to let a previous trading win or lost affect my current trade. Not easy man!

    4. i never tell my kids to study hard, instead i told them to do (or study) what they love most.

      one day, my son came back from school and told us he is quitting school (his results was not bad at all). he had been not in school for a few days. he is going to pursue drumming as a profession, he had been in drums for years now.

      my wife was very worry but i told her he will be fine. in fact my son is doing what he loves most (beside dating girls) and turn it into a career, what can go wrong?

      he is currently studying in a local music school and everyday, he can't wait to go to school and he look forward to the day he can perform professionally.

      he got my 100% support.

    5. ya smol, to do or not to do, it is a constant straggle within a trader everyday.

      its a small position that i'm not too worry but this month i'm most likely will be in the red. i'm not too please about it. i'm trying to profit every month but i think that dream is most likely gone. knn haha.

      you must be wondering only half a month, i can already tell what kind of result i can get, right?

      its a probability game remember? there is still a chance i will end up in the green, but probability is quiet low at this point.

    6. "Training myself not to let a previous trading win or lost affect my current trade. Not easy man!"

      i remember you talk about winning a free trip and some coffee money in your trade. isn't that win already affacting you right away?

      controlling yourself in losing trade is difficult enough, wait til you learn to control yourself when you start winning, even more difficult.

    7. "haven't start winning big time already think of how to spend your little profit instantly".

      see how hard you have to sollow this comment but its true. and if you can't take it, then you can't go very far.

  3. Hi coconut,

    "i remember you talk about winning a free trip and some coffee money in your trade. isn't that win already affacting you right away?

    controlling yourself in losing trade is difficult enough, wait til you learn to control yourself when you start winning, even more difficult."

    "haven't start winning big time already think of how to spend your little profit instantly".

    "see how hard you have to sollow this comment but its true. and if you can't take it, then you can't go very far."

    What you say above is truly evergreen. i have experienced and i will go on experiencing it. i am human ma, right? Right.

    1. ofcos ofcos, and you are definately right.

      thats the hard part in trading, who don't want to be excited over winning, who don't want to celebrate winning? i do too.

      but after celebrate, what next?, win more? how about losses? who is going to pay for it?

    2. "but after celebrate, what next?, win more? how about losses? who is going to pay for it?"

      i thought you had paid for it with the experience you gained.
      And hopefully your experience will serve you well in your next trade or investment.

  4. 1) Hello temperament and coconut,

    "I shorted the SIMSCI at 353.8 for Oct contract. Now the paper gains have offset my recent USD/JPY losses previously."

    The moment I published the comment, I realised I am still thinking of my previous trade with that statement!? LOL!

    I suffers from "getting even"? A big no no! Opps!

    I am recording all my trades and emotions down for reflections. All the silly errors and mistaking dumb luck for skill, for eg.

    That's the inspiration for my previous post on sports. We can't win all the time; but we can't lose all the time too!

    2) coconut,

    Thanks for your advice on not dreaming about spending before actually winning big first. I get you ;)

    1. ok here is the joke, my relative from PRC had never eat durain before, they heard it before how good they are and back home ppl were selling too. i told them those durain back home and those here are totally different.

      so along the way back home, i drop by my favorate durain stall to buy some, the really good one.

      in the car they were all so damn exited becos the smell was so fantastic, can't really wait to get back home to try them.

      once home, we quickly open them up and they start putting the durain in their mouth in a hurry. haha one by one they all throw out, not even one manage to eat just one.

      they say the taste and the smell are totally different. haha durain, they will never forget.

    2. yes, you got to try a lot harder to not think about money, winning and losing and forcast on strategy.

      i can easily place a bet today and try to win back and get back into green this month, just today, but why i didn't do it, the reason is obvious, it becomes tic kam and the odds is not there.

      i'll get it back the way i use to do it.

  5. Hi SMOL & coconut,

    "All that glisters is not gold;
    Often have you heard that told:
    Many a man his life hath sold
    But my outside to behold:
    Gilded tombs do worms enfold.
    Had you been as wise as bold,
    Young in limbs, in judgement old
    Your answer had not been inscroll'd
    Fare you well, your suit is cold."

    i can't help out laughing about coconut's PRC relatives and durian episode.

    1. got chinese translation? haha.

      i'm not trying to make fun of them, but looking at their expression really its funny and pui pui pui....

      what i'm trying is to let them experience living here, especially the food! even though is nice for us but its tough for them. every begining of the day, they will ask, today eating rice? somedays i just give in haha.

    2. 1) Nice poem temperament!

      2) coconut, eh? You mean the durians exported to china are the "watered-down" ones? Those not popular with Singapore and Malaysian customers? I've never tried the durians in China :(

    3. eh? why you want to try durain in china? that pretty silly isn't it, i'm not a durain expert but this is what i know or someone told me,

      those durain that sold in china are mostly from the north, like north m'sia or thailand, they don't taste that good but they are tuff and can last a longer period of time. they are sold here too and you can eat them anytime you want.

      those that are from the southern part, including s'pore durain are the better ones. problem is they are seasonal and they usually don't last too long, may be a day or 2 and you can throw them away or keep it in fridge for a little longer.

      next time you buy durain, ask them where the durain come from but usually they don't tell you the truth.

  6. Hi SMOL

    The video clip is touching story. The Thais have a way of doing commercials..:-) Must brush up my Thai, could not understand most of the dialogue.

    The violin playing girl has very nice hair :-)

    Be well and prosper.

    1. Sawatdee khrap, Panzer!

      I like fair Thai girls with long flowing hair.

      Must make a trip to Chang Mai and see if I can meet Thais that share our same Teochew heritage.

      I met in Thai-teochew mixed blood taxi-driver in Bangkok and I had lots of fun sharing our ancestry. All of sudden, language not a problem!

      Power to dialects!
