
Sunday, 8 April 2012

Why I am blogging - update Easter Sunday 2012

When I started this blog on Christmas eve 2010, I already had the plan to take my "sabbatical from work" by end December 2011.

This blog was the result of reading books and articles on how to prepare for our retirement. The last thing I want was to be one of those old men staring into space at our HDB void decks...

One of the suggestion was to find an activity I liked that allows me to stay engaged with society; and that's how I stumbled onto blogging.

After the initial 2 weeks of "holiday mood" wore off after my return back to Singapore, I did succumb to a sense of "loss". And that's even I've done all my research and preparations!? 

When the tyre hits the road, you can throw the driving manual out of the window!

Some of you reading my Jan & Feb 2012 postings may have sensed it.

But thanks to all of you readers and commenters - your encouragements; your constructive criticisms; your gentle pokings; and your alternative viewpoints - all these are the motivators to keep me posting all through my period of "loss".

I am so glad I've used 2011 as my year of "dry-run" in blogging, so to speak. Imagine if I had waited till when I was on "sabbatical to "try" blogging? I wouldn't be able to hit the ground running back in Singapore... 

I have good news to share with you all.

I've now rediscovered my daily "work" routine! I am now happily managing my own money with a rhythm and pace that allows me to explore new and old interests. I am finding the day ended too fast!

On this Easter Sunday, I have a lot to thank for.

So once again, thank you everyone!



  1. Congratulations!

    SMOL Asset Management?

    1. Thanks CW8888!

      I am now modelling myself as a 1 man family office.

      I believe in the power of words.

      At first I wanted to call myself a proprietary trader (lone wolf). Then thought of self-appointing myself to Hedge-fund manager (inflated ego).

      Finally settled with family office. It keeps me anchored to what's important ;)

  2. Dear SMOL

    Glad that you have found your daily routine.


    1. Thanks!

      YJ72, you've played a big part in me calling myself my own 1 man family office ;)

  3. good for you, have a routine.

    i always have trouble follow routine, worst, my trading rules at times. always can come out some F@#%$#@! $#@%!&^ excuses.

    but give and take, thats how my mind work over drive, i don't want to end up like robot and trading pure machanically.

    and blogging, er thats purely fun.

    1. Ha ha!


      I find it hard to imagine you following rules! Even if the rules are yours to start with ;)

      If blogging was not fun, I would have stopped it long ago. It's my little playground.

    2. i forget not to use the word rules, hate it. i prefer to call it boundary, with that i construct what i call structure (trading system).

      market has no structure nor boundary, traders do. i don't believe we can act like water and flow within the market.

      i'm afraid anything and everything additable, blogging has becomes one to me.

  4. managing money full time?

    first thing to learn to manage money is to not manage your money, or leave them alone.

    until you are good at it, then start manage them, make sense?

    1. Coconut,

      There is no concept of full or part-time.

      I let the trades and investments come to me; I don't chase after them.

      Neither am I really in or out of the market.

      Why stand when you can sit? And why sit when you can lie down?

      I follow the path of least resistance.

      I am water.

  5. Hi SMOL,
    You are being modest. i think we are fortunate to have a blogger like you who can write so well and think widely. Most importantly you show you write honestly and sincerely. It is really great to know you through blogging. i am sure we too learn a lot from your writings. Anyway, i do. i only can kachau here & kachau there. Ha! Ha!

    1. Temperament,

      You are making me blush. OK, that's a white lie. My skin quite thick. LOL!

      Of course must be thick for protection. I poke here poke there, sooner or latter will get a kick in the butt!

      No wonder we can talk. You also got "play" in Vietnam! You early pioneer you! First bucket-shop, now this!

      Your life story is even more interesting ;)

      I'll be listening (or reading?) when you feel like revealing more.

      I small "wu" meet big "wu".

  6. No! No!
    Paiseh! Paiseh! i just went to work in HO Chih Ming city a week or two only at a stretch. Unlike you years on end all over the globe. No comparison at all. No.

  7. "When the tyre hits the road, you can throw the driving manual out of the window"

    Yet another nugget of wisdom, SMOL! Although you probably mean it in a different context, I can totally relate to that.

    1. Hey plumerainbow!

      I'm more a city-hunter; but your exploits in Myanmar is making me envious :)

      Especially when there are not many "driving manuals" to Myanmar now... Even if there are, it would probably be outdated.

      Whenever I am in a new city, I often find myself enjoying the unexpected detours (face saving euphemism to say I got lost) more than my intended destination ;)

      Fly! Rainbow rider!
