
Monday, 26 September 2011

I taking a rest in order to walk further

Dear readers,

I will be taking a 3 weeks vacation - my last hoorah in Greece - before I return to Singapore this end Dec 2011.

I did thought of bringing along my notebook and keep up my postings during this break - but what sort of vacation is that!?

I notice that I've increased by posting frequency recently. I am loving this hobby more and more! However, there lie the early danger signs of obsession... It's almost like my near addiction to computer gaming during my early 30s...

I need to re-calibrate and pace myself. Hence the decision to take a well deserved break from blogging. Hope to come back refreshed with lots of inspirations for more interesting stories and satires!

See you all in 3 weeks' time! I'll be back on 17 Oct 2011 Monday.

Newer readers, may I suggest you explore some of my earlier posts? You may get a good laugh to see how "raw" my early posts are. Hey! We all have to start somewhere mah! 


  1. Enjoy and have a safe one! CH

  2. Hi SMOL,

    Have a safe and fruitful trip!

  3. Have fun! Don't be breaking too many hellenic hearts! You know that can spawn medusas... *cackle*

  4. Hi SMOL,
    Enjoy yourself. We miss you. Er.. i mean your story telling.

  5. it is obsession! what early sign. haha

    i too obsess with blogging since a year or two, got to try very hard to stop. blogging can't make money. i think it affact my trading some what.

    take good care.

  6. Enjoy yourself and take care!
