
Wednesday, 26 January 2011

1 month's milestone - review and saying thanks!

I started my maiden blog post on 23 Dec 2010 – just before Christmas.  How time flies!  It’s now 4 weeks later, and near another holiday period – Chinese New Year! 
I would like to take this time review this milestone; and to share my thanks to the below fellow bloggers who have kindly took the time to encourage and give constructive feedback me on my blogging journey (I know I know, blog one month already start saying “fellow” blogger.  Shameless!)

1)  Drizzt from  

Like a duckling who imprints the first person it sees as “mother”, Drizzt will always be the “first” in my heart.  It’s better than saying Drizzt is my “first kiss” kind of attraction….. Nah, not between guys! (Drizzt is probably saying now – I just woke up, face not washed, teeth haven’t brush, I don’t know anything, and have nothing to do with SMOL! )

Drizzt is the first to comment in my first blog posting, and showed interest to who is this new blogger with a weird moniker.  For that I am very grateful.  We all remember our firsts!

2)  Sg financial freedom from

What a fantastic surprise to find another “seasoned” blogger sharing his views on making New Year resolutions.   I am reassured that even if I go against the “norms”, they are some like-minded people out there too.  It’s OK to be different.

I am glad to know that I’ve made at least one person laughed!  I will continue to write irreverent posts, even if they are a bit “wu liao”.  Life is stressed enough.  Need to let our hair down a bit.  Hey!  Where did my hair go?  (Look at my pic)

Thank you Temperament!  You also gave me the confidence to write in Mandarin.  It’s good to be “bi”.  (I mean bilingual, not the other one!)

4)  PanzerGrenadier from

When I was curious about why I am blogging, you welcomed me into this community by sharing the reasons why you got started in the first place.  Imagine a person who has started blogging since 2003 taking the time to post a comment in my blog!? 

Your actions speak louder than words!  You could have easily taken the stance of: “I am the mountain; newbie you come to me, not I come to you” 

Your generosity in encouragement and comment is very much welcomed!  And appreciated.

5)  Derek from

I’ve already thanked you in a previous post, and I will thank you again.  I now have a guest posting account in your blog!!!  

This finance blogging community is so generous and helpful!  I have a dilemma, I am not technically a finance blogger; but I guess just as long I post once in a while some matters concerning money, I can continue this “membership”?

6)  La Papillion from

Ah!  What can I say?  Your recent postings have been a fantastic source of inspiration.  I am so glad you have decided to stop posting on individual stocks.  Not that I don’t appreciate your earlier posts, but your recent posts is allowing me to understand who is La Papillion.  And that is infinitely more interesting (to me)!

And thanks for linking my blog to your blog rolls unsolicited (you are the first to do so!).  It’s so interesting to see a lot of your readers dropping by to my blog after visiting you. 

I now have to find a way to capture their attention.  Most visitors come to my blog and leave in 00 seconds!?  At least that’s what sitemeter tells me.  I guess it’s a bit like going to the wrong toilet and hastily making an exit!  Ha ha!

7)  Wealth Journey from

I really appreciate your constructive feedback when I made an inappropriate comment in your blog recently. 

I don’t need to say much more; since as long we continue to speak from the heart, I’ll be most contented.

8) Silent readers

To all other “silent” readers and bloggers, I thank you also!  But if you can just drop a comment or note to me, I will be even more grateful.  Even if it’s to tell me you don’t like a post or I’ve offended you in anyway.

If you don’t feel comfortable writing in public – you can email me privately:  


  1. Hi SMOL,

    Wow, thanks for mentioning me :) We're a really small community blogging about the very small sgx market and personal finance. Shall I welcome you formally in? haha

    Hmm, I'm also having a little problem, an identity crisis of sort. My blog is venturing outside of finance topics, so I think I'll be placed in the same category as you, ahha :) As long as we occasionally blog about some finance related stuff, I think we won't be kicked out!

    Anyway, if we do get kicked out, we form a new gang lah!

  2. Hey! You too young to have mid-life identity crisis! When you start wearing loud orbid shirts and pants that are tight tight, yup - you are in the "lao hero" phase!

    We can start a "rojak" or "chap pa lang" alliance? Who knows!? Maybe one day Xia Xue (now that's one cool girl!) will start blogging about investing all the money she has made, and we can invite her to our alliance!

    I OK. But if your significant other caught you posting comments in Xia Xue blog, that will the REAL identity crisis!!! Ha ha!

  3. Very shiok reading about your life story. Few people are humble enough to talk about their mistakes in life, but you did.

  4. Thank you Market Strategist for your kind words!

    I see you are not only a blogger, but your are a professional forex trader and coach. That's interesting!

    Just visited your website. It's the first time I've seen losses posted on-line for all to see from a professional trading outfit. Respect!

    I've yet to met a trader or entrepreneur who has not made any losses!

  5. HAHA.. you are leaving no stones unturned I see.. :p

    Machiam like wedding dinner.. Want to invite must invite all.. cannot invite one and not the other.. hehe

    Anyway, you're a natural people's person :) 1 month only and so many seasoned bloggers leave comments and support you :) My one 2+ yrs liao ..only you come :) Anyway, different purpose.. Mine is more for my own journal. But I open it up to "Show off" a bit.

    Gong Hei Fatt Choy!

  6. Gong Xi Fa Cai to you Wealth Journey!

    I am glad you opened it up! I guess over time others will understand why I am so enthusiatic when I found your blog.

    I listen to what other DO; not what they say.

    And plus the fact that most of us are influenced by the "gurus" from the West. It's good to get the views from the East too :)

    Especially when "teachers" (of the West) failed to practice what they preached.

  7. Hi SMOL

    Thanks for mentioning me :-)

    The thing about blogging is sharing. It is about sharing ideas, thoughts and feelings about things in life.

    My own blogging journey has been an exercise in self discovery as well. I understand more about my own motivations for doing things.

    Currently my fivecentstencents blog is a bit quiet as I've not been motivated to write about anything interesting. But I'm currently reading the book, "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield and realise I need to keep writing because it is so easy to stop and just not be creative and write something useful.

    Be well and prosper.
